Milil God of Poetry & Song (Mil-ill)

Milil is the God of poetry, song, eloquence, creativity, and inspiration. For those lucky enough to see her she is described as looking like a beautiful young elf with a gray skin, gray eyes, and gray hair, carrying a harp on her back. This description has always troubled those that worship her. How could a God of Song and creativity look so gray and colorless?

Milil is said to represented the whole song rather than just one part, such as the music or lyrics, not just the finished thought, but the whole process that took an idea from its conception to its completion. In the mindset encouraged by Milil, life itself was like a song, beginning at birth and ending upon death.

To signify her approval of artistic work, whether it be a song, epic poem, theatrical performance or the like, Milil would conjure a golden-lined image of two dancing hollyphants. This appeared out of thin air or, if on parchment, as what seemed like glowing yellow ink. She also enjoyed planting beneficial visions in the minds of performers and artists that pleased her, which included locations of treasure or the whereabouts of long-lost loved ones. Very few people have even heard a singing in their head. They described it as the most beautiful song they have ever heard, though they do not share the message that was communicated through the song, calling it sacred.

  She was predominantly worshiped by human, elf, and half-elf bards but attracted other musically-inclined individuals such as troubadours or poets. The faith of Milil was an organized group that attracted attractive, sensual, and musically-inclined followers. In addition to their affinity with song and musical instruments, they tended to appreciate good food and wine, and the beauty found in both nature and civilized society. The church was comprised primarily of clerics, but also included bards, mystics, and spellsingers.
Milil, God of Song and Poetry


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