House of Spiros Organization in Ikos | World Anvil
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House of Spiros

From the Chronicle of the Court Historian of the Kingdom of Ilios


House Spiros has ruled the Kingdom of Ilios since Archon Alexandros III Spiros inherited the throne from his mother Archousa Ariadne I Kinyrides. Alexandros received the throne after the Eupatridae met and decided that, after his elderly mother died, he should become the next Archon instead of her first cousin, Kalos Kinyrides, who would have reigned as Kalos IV Kinyrides.   Some of the most prominent Archons of House Spiros have been: Alexandros III Spiros, Iason IV Spiros, Tyndareus V Spiros, Menelaos III Spiros, Telemakhos III Spiros, Kadmos III Spiros, and Pyrrhos II Spiros.   The current Archon of Ilios is Pyrrhos II Spiros.

"Victory through the Sword"

Founding Date
Alternative Names
House Spiros
Family Leader
Controlled Territories
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