Session 13 - The Caravan Strikes Out
General Summary
- The party returns to The Beggar's Dog Inn to share drinks and stories
- Olut's turn for questioning about:
- Marriage - It's an ancient rite of ritual magic, but not his focus at the moment
- What exactly is Old Magic - Storytelling is a connection to the foundations of magic that rose out of tales of yore. Where modern magic is like a readily available beer, old magic is the microbrew that you personally slaved over. There are rumors of an ancient spell carved into obsidian under the island of Latavai
- Haeni asks if folks have seen magic instruments in their travels
- Lerissa, who had been sitting quietly, is dragged into the conversation. She assures the group that she's okay and that her connection to the fey will not burden them
- Asks the party if they too have been experiencing terrible dreams, they haven't
- Tells the group that she visited a cleric and that he suggested that Tasaria might be a hag
- Gang suggests that assertion might be a magic vs. religious thing
- Prince suggests that her tarot reading might have sparked something
- Party asks if they should delay fixing the issue, Lerissa says no
- Wonder why it only targets Lerissa
- Party wants to chase down Tasaria, Lerissa deflects until at least tomorrow
- Party (less Liber) gets wasted, Tarla leaves them to lock up
- They shit talk Liber for not sticking around
- Tiny Hut in the tavern to sleep
- Wake to Tarla banging on the dome
- Apologize for their state, overpay for breakfast
- Liber rejoins
- Needles Lerissa further about wild magics
- Lerissa insists she's in control
- Liber catches up on last night's conversation
- Head to Witch Hazel Meadery
- Meet Svalaa
- She explains the rest of the group going on the 2.5-week trip
- She asks the party for their rate, they step away to confer and return with 180 GP/ea and a shared barrel of mead
- Svalaa draws up a contract that they sign
- Party takes their starting capital (90GP) and head out to stock up on supplies
- Discuss hunting down Tasaria, but worried about the amount of time it'd take
- Head to Harfoot general store
- Potions of healing for all but Lerissa
- Rations/Waterskins for Lerissa, Prince, and Olut
- Pack out of the Beggar's Dog
- Head back to Witch Hazel
- Meet the rest of the gang they'll travel with
- Hit the road
- Tiny hut every night
- Watcher patrols the outside of the wagons
- Prince scouts the area every night before bed
- On day 5, a sandstorm falls, wagons circle in some shelter near a cliff
- Swarms of insects appear in the storm
- Liber casts for the first time a protection spell of his own design
- Lerissa WMs some Flumphs
- Party kills Flumphs
- Hide under wagons until the storm recedes
Report Date
26 Jul 2021
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