Session 9 - The Trial of the Fae
General Summary
- Walking the streets of the city, following the constructed dog
- Olut observes the stonework, appreciating the craftsmanship
- Haeni notices the cyclic pattern of lamplighters, mentioning it to Prince and Liber
- Liber examines a construct, sees a ticking mechanism inside
- Haeni tries to oil one construct, to no effect
- Tracking the routes that the constructs walk, Haeni notices newer brickwork under their footpaths
- Liber wants to keep prodding the constructs, but the group decides to keep following the dogstruct
- Finally, the dog turns off the street and into a workshop, where it jumps up onto a workbench
- Inside, the party sees many automata manufacturing components, and a few constructs doing technical work
- Haeni steps up to one of the mechanical constructs and begins questioning it
- The construct doesn't seem to understand questions about free will
- The construct explains that "the masters live in the upper ring"
- Tells Olut that the dog will be okay, just getting disassembled for part replacement
- Haeni reads the ID on the construct's tag "GAF0L0"
- Olut give the creature his gloves and explains that they're broken
- Prince and Lerissa step outside the workshop while Haeni interrogates
- Prince asks how she feels about being summoned here by her dreams
- Lerissa explains that it's certainly odd, but the environment is somewhat comfortable
- She hopes that this will answer some questions about her heritage and birth
- She explains that she doesn't want anyone to stay here on her account if they don't feel safe
- The pair both agree that they like this makeshift group
- They trade secrets they've heard about each other, and about Haeni
- The party heads to the center ring of the city
- Liber asks Lerissa about the source of her magic and her parentage
- She explains that she always had some power, but with no formal training
- Tells him that her father found her while he was traveling on business
- Liber goes back to his note-taking about the city, Olut sneaks a peek
- In the second ring, the party sees more opulent decorations, gold and silver inlays on the brickwork
- Automata have longer cycles, more deviation
- Looking at the signs on the building, the characters understand that there are words there, but can't make them out. Liber uses his magic woo to see strings of random letters and numbers
- In the top level, emerge into a park w/ grass, trees, and a fountain. At the far side, an amphitheater
- See statues of creatures in the audience
- Lerissa asks the party if they still want to walk with her, they do
- Lerissa takes to the skies, sees figures in the center of the amphitheater
- Everyone heads to the amphitheater floor
- Lerissa approaches the figure on the stage, can't get within 30 feet of them
- The figure on the stage addresses first Lerissa, then the group
- Lerissa kneels, and says "In your name, I will do great things"
- The figure asks if she understands the situation, lerissa replies "barely"
- The figure explains that she is Sarastra, Queen of the Fae, and that she found Lerissa marked for Mammon as a baby but intervened to change her fate
- Accepts Lerissa's offer of service
- Explains that she wants to test her abilities, by sending her after a creature causing trouble near Untold Blessings
- The Queen summons a tall man from the audience, waving her hand as he unfreezes and steps to the stage
- Lerissa asks what Untold Blessings is, Queen explains that it is a place named for her gifts
- Queen says that Lerissa's friends can join her in the trial
- The ranger leads them out of the city
- At the gates to the city, open into a forest, and as the party walked through, the city behind them disappeared
- A few minutes walk later, they make it to the grove, and the ranger says that he will observe, but not intervene
- Lerissa marches into the grove and demands that its tender appear
- Haeni and Olut see a tree-man menace them with his club and shield
- Awaked shrubs rise, fight begins
- Lerissa goes after tree in grove
Report Date
03 May 2021
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