BOMBING OF GHIZNAH Military Conflict in Ileria | World Anvil


A thermal device was deployed in the city killing immediately a quarter of the 109,600 population eventually killing half of the population   The Device was deployed by the Kingdom of Al Sha to this day the reasons for deployment are not understood. It is assumed the lack of food and rampant illness was the reason but no records have ever been found to explain the sudden bombing.

The Conflict


There was no war prelude to the event. The assumption of many historians is that this attack was started due to the famines and other natural distasters this part of the world had suffered from. HOwever, this is complicated when it is rememebred that this city was suffereing the efects just as much as the country who bombed them.


The population was greatly affected. Many died immediately and many more died both trying to escape the effects of the bomb and trying to rescue those who were impacted. GHIZNAH may not have been a major city in the country but it was a hub of travel and had many paths of commerce that made a stop in the city.


The city was never rebuilt due to the war immediately starting. Some people who had always lived in the city attempted to continue to live int he city leading to a shorted life span and often death in painful ways. Children who managed to escape after the bomb and survived the war would have burn scars for the rest of their lives and would pass there fear of sudden noises on to their children.

Historical Significance

In Literature

Many fictional books have been written trying to figure out what might have been the reasoning behind this seemingly meaningless bombing.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Start of a war that would effect the whole world within 2 years


  • Historical Map


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