Day of Communities

In the Monzanolano Territory of Silho, found on the northern main island particularly in the Nomaditic communities of the interior of the island this tradition is found. There are four main parts to this tradition/ritual. 1. The feeding of the elders. 2. The bathing of the new 3. The branding of the presented 4. Parting of the ways


This tradition pre-dates the Silhan League. It started as a way of maintaing strong ties after the war had ravaged the area.


There are four main parts to this tradition/ritual. 1. The feeding of the elders.
  • Those under the age of 55 cook a meal the night before that will be used by those over 65 to break their fast
2. The bathing of the new
  • Those who have been born since the last observation of this day are ceremonially bathed by the elders of the community
3. The branding of the presented
  • Those who have turned 14 since the last observation of this day are branded with the symbol of the community on their right shoulder. This branding style could be anything from a quick and painless tattoo to a physical brand from a hot implement.
  • 4. Parting of the ways
    • Those who are moving out of the community for marriage or for work are ceremonially released from the community. This has no effect on any brand they might have branding if for life.

Components and tools

1. The feeding of the elders.
  • A special bronze serving set is used for the food
2. The bathing of the new
  • A silver tub of purified water and a silver ladel is used.
3. The branding of the presented
  • Either a well maintianed tattoo machine, a metal brand or another element is used
4. Parting of the ways
  • A arch of branches is built for the group to leave under


This ritual takes place on the first full moon of fall annually
Primary Related Location
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Aug 11, 2024 19:19 by Deleyna Marr

I love the different aspects to bring together and celebrate different stages of life.
