
The Oyeiship was created as Part of Operation Jinx which was a military colaboration between Khanate of Ong, Palgan Empire, and Principality of Al Mash. This ship once completed struck fear into all who saw it. It was a ship that was capable of launching sea to land missles from miles away from shore. Sometime the ships themselves were not visable even when in operation on unsuspecting victims. Through out the course of the war it caused massive damage in the countries of Kingdom of Al Sha, Ramian Empire, Duchy of Gegia, Grand Duchy of Kwong, and the Protectorate of Shunia.

Power Generation

Due to the war power sources were hard to come by so this ship was created to run on Solar, wind and man power. With occasional additional input from biofuel generators. The use of the generators caused future issues with food sources which made most populations even those in countries that were benefiting from there use to hate them as much as victims feared them.


Sail, and turbine

Weapons & Armament

sea to land missiles turrets guns

Communication Tools & Systems

The ship kept in contact this each other and ground fources through encrypted telecom channels. This encryption was later broke during Operation Constantine


Used raders, lidars, and sonars to sense other vehicles that were near them on land, sea or air.
Creation Date
Decommission Date
Destruction Date
Owning Organization
Current location


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