Treaty of Burning Flags

Calling this document a treaty is rude to actual treaties. This "Treaty" was used to create on of the most morally questionable organizations in current operation. Ghosts are only allowed to continue to opperate due to the fact no one else wants to the do the very necissary work they complete.


This document set out the ground work for creating the Ghosts. This set up what their responsibilities would be, what the organization would look like, how members would be "recruited", and what would happen if the general population found out about their true purpose.

Document Structure


Overseeing Organizations
Who was present
Why this was being done
Organization Outline
Overall Heirarachy of Organization Bylaws Rules Members/Employees Oversight
Punitive Clauses
Posible Punishments for inadaquate job
Signatures of those manditing this


The Ghosts will take the fall if this organizations true purpose is exposed to the general population.

Publication Status

Completely clandestine

Legal status


Historical Details


After the end of the Great War it was decided by the "powers that be" that there should be failsafe's put in place to ensure that a war of that scale in unable to happen again. The solution to this was the creation of Ghosts which would allow indirect interference in all levels of society.


The Ghostshave prevented several events through out history and is overall seen a beneficial to society even if it infringes of the freedoms most people believe they have.

Public Reaction

The population is only aware of the Ghostslike most people are aware of any clandestine organization. They are blissfully unaware of what exactly is taking place behind the veil.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Signatories (Organizations)


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