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The Continent of Ileth is Ancient and yet there remains lots to explore. Ileth spans from the great western ocean to the eastern wastes, and encompasses everything between - mountains, tundra, swamps, the great continental plane and the dark forests. The people are of all sorts and the atmosphere is that of a gritty, grounded fantasy but not overly grim. The continent has expansive history and a variety of Gods , cults and religions. Though magic is found through the land its a appearance in humans is rather rare, only about a tenth. Other races dot the lands, and their concentration of magic sensitive individuals vary but their are many creatures, agents of light and dark that poses magic or a high order. Humans make up about two thirds of the continents civilized populace so other races are certainly not rare. Though this too depends on the race. Conflict is common. Mystery and danger lurks everywhere but the land of Ileth is full of beauty. A beauty that may come under threat.   Campaign name: The Shadow and The Shard


Ileth Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern