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Nimloth'tiri (/nɪm lɒf tiri/)

The Nimloth'tiri are the Elven inhabitants of the Aldorhyne Realm.
They believe themselves to be the hallowed wardens of the Ambark and all its children, and stand connected with the living world of naturearound them.

The Nimloth'tiri, or Tirians for short, were supposedly created by their Deity, the Nimloth'aen as superior counterparts to humans.
The Nimloth'tiri superior physique allows them life worth many centuries, with some individuals reaching an age of a near millennium. A broader perspective on events that might not trouble short-living species is a result of these long lifespans. Being able to experience so many different wars, ages of peace and prosperity, and emotions, very few things truly bother them on a smaller scale, which may make them feel disconnected from the rest of the world at times.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Nimloth'tirians are in appearance most similar to humans. Different from humans is a Tirian's naturally tough skin. Though flexible, it is near tough as bark. Similarly, when a Nimloth'tirian ages, their skin begins to form slight cracks, which offers an appearance close to real treebark. Moreover, their appendages such as legs, arms but also ears are longer than a humans, and will continuously grow throughout their lives. Most notably are Tirian ears, which grow at a significantly faster rate, which cause a Tirian's most prominent feature: long, pointy ears.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Calling and Purpose.

Nimloth'tiri soceity is strictly governed by a caste system. One's place in this hierarchy is pronounced at or even before birth. Clans of the outer wilds are often determined as farmers, warriors, couriers, hunters, or generally the laboring class, whereas children born to the more dogmatic clans are likely to be born into more aristocratic and prominent roles, religiously or politically, such as priests, scribes, lords and temple-guards.

Though it is possible for a child born to an outer clan to receive occupation within the Realm's inner circles, it is most rare and often looked down upon, despite their placement being divinely determined and final. An individual will remain part of their birthing clan, despite their occupation. A child's clan is always the same as their mother, and their place shall be determined as such.
A Tirian who opposes their calling is cast from society as Truthless, more specifically 'Truthborn', and hunted down for execution by the Truthkeepers. Though a farmer may live largely unbothered by the inquisitions of the Truthkeepers, a Tirian who has spent their life in the inner circles of the Aldorhyne Realm will be high-priority. The title of 'Truthless' may also be granted to those found guilty of significant crime, in which exile or the gallows is their destination.
Nimloth'tirians born to a mother beyond the Aldor Wilds will be regarded Truthless just as well, though not a Truthborn, as many born to outside settlements, for Nimloth'aens judgement would not have reached them.
Though Truthless carry disdain amongst all Tirians, only the Truthkeepers may act against them, or be in opposition of their calling themselves.


Each region is governed by a lord, who rules with the clanleaders of that respective land. Gatherings will take place with these clanleaders present, but a lord has final say. All lords are eventually officially equal and answer to Nimloth'aen. The lords may occasionally gather at the Canopicus.
As Tirians live long lifes in an unexpanding territory, it is often the clanleaders at the Canopicus who decide who is allowed to (or must) take children.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Nimloth'tirians mostly occupy the southern realm of the Aldorhyne Realm and its surround Aldor Wilds, though some smaller settlements have emerged in the Northern half of the continent, chiefly in Myremoor.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tirians have a language of their own, which hasn't been far-travelled as they are largely isolated from mankind outside of the Aldor. This solitude of culture grants them many unique names. Elven names often have many vowels, separated by soft consonants such as l's, n's and f's or otherwise apestrophes. Vowels such as "ae"'s and "ien"'s are mostly unique to their language, and reoccur often, as examples show below:   Male names: Aelar, Aran'uvir, Elladan, Elyn, Lae'oth, Lu'irlan, Merellien, Mhaenal, Jan'nalor Female names: Alvae'relle, Calanthe, Lyn'dis, Naevys, Nylath'ria, Thia   Many elven names have standard surfixes. Examples of male names include ar, an, in/yn, el, on and or. Common surfixes for female names are: elle, the, is.
by Forgottenrealms
Average Height
1.90m / 6'2"
Average Weight
60 - 70 kg / 140 - 160 lbs
Average Physique
Lean with long appendages (limbs, ears, necks), tough skin
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
  • Generally a creme beige, occasionally with slight green hues. 
  • Cracked skin like bark at older ages
  • Often times tattoos across forehead and limbs, unique to their clan of birth. Especially prominent in dogmatic clans.
Geographic Distribution
  • Stumps
  • Twigs
  • Woodskins/li]

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