
Aimonval is the God of Knights, many Knights send a prayer to Aimonval on the eve of battle, asking for his justice, and mercy, to be with them.   Aimonval is the God of Honor, Mercy, and Justice.   Statues of Aimonval depict a Knight in full plate Gold with Silver and Blue accents, the visor of his helmet closed and a halo around his head, a set of golden wings coming from the back, and his sword, Stalwart Grace, in both hands at the front of his chest, blade pointing down so the tip touches the ground. Temples of Aimonval are filled with renowned armor and weapons, and followers of Aimonval care deeply for the history behind the equipment.   He is often associated with the Longsword   Necromancy is banned in the eyes of of Aimonval.   Followers of Aimonval consider competitions such as duels and joust, to be holy events to Aimonval, for a follower of Aimonval it is important to grow in the ways of combat, some choose to specialize in specific weapons, others to go a more well rounded way. When a follower of Aimonval dies, and are judged by MonKai, there strength, skills, prowess, and experience is given to the Angels who serve Aimonval as his soldiers. This allows the people of Illios to contribute to the forces of there God.   The Knights Of The Winged Blade are the main Knightly Order dedicated to Aimonval

Divine Domains

Order, War, Forge, Peace.


While much of there history is lost, such as how they are created, many attribute the Moonblades to be relics given power by Aimonval.

Holy Books & Codes

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Sword pointed down is to Symbolize Aimonval's association with honorable combat, while the wings symbolize Aimonval's desire to protect all who can not protect themselves, and his desire for mercy for the people of Illios.   The symbol is depicted as shining and unblemished, representing Aimonval's devotion to truth and righteousness.

Tenets of Faith

Honor thy word   Help the poor   Protect the weak and defenseless   Stand fast against the Darkness.


Feast of Honor: This is a festival that celebrates the deity's aspect as the god of honor. It is a time for duels and other honorable competitions, and for the recognition of those who have demonstrated bravery and integrity. During the Feast of Honor, prayers are offered to Aimonval, and offerings are made to the deity to show gratitude for his guidance and protection.   Day of Mercy: This is a day dedicated to the deity's aspect as the god of mercy. It is a time for acts of kindness and compassion, and for the forgiveness of past wrongs. During the Day of Mercy, prayers are offered for those in need, and offerings are made to Aimonval to show gratitude for his grace and mercy.   Festival of Justice: This is a celebration of the deity's aspect as the god of justice. It is a time to reflect on the importance of fairness and impartiality, and to honor those who have upheld the principles of justice. During the Festival of Justice, prayers are offered for guidance and wisdom, and offerings are made to Aimonval to show gratitude for his commitment to justice.
Divine Classification