
Dimo is known for his unpredictable and tempestuous nature, often causing storms and rough seas for those who cross him. Despite this, sailors worship him and pray for his protection while at sea, offering sacrifices of gifts in exchange for safe voyages.   His followers believe that he has the power to calm the waters and bless their fishing endeavors. They also believe that he is the one who controls the tides and that it is his will that determines the success or failure of their voyages.   In Illios, Dimo is depicted as a large, muscular man with blue-green skin and a beard of seaweed. He is often shown holding a trident or a conch shell, symbols of his power over the sea.   Temples dedicated to Dimo are found along the coastlines and on islands, and are often staffed by priests and priestesses who are adept at divination and weather control. It is said that a blessing from a Dimo priest can bring good luck and protection during a sea voyage.   Despite his chaotic nature, Dimo is considered to be a fair deity and will not harm those who show respect and devotion to him. However, those who disrespect the sea or its creatures will face his wrath in the form of tempests and shipwrecks.

Divine Domains

Tempest, Nature


Ocean's Fury: This is a legendary trident that is said to have the power to summon storms and control the tides. It is believed to be the most powerful artifact attributed to Dimo and is highly sought after by those who seek to control the sea.   Soothing Siren: This is a large conch shell that is said to have the power to calm rough seas and bring good fortune to those who possess it. It is believed to be one of Dimo's most sacred relics and is highly sought after by sailors.   Storm Bracelet: This is a silver bracelet decorated with waves and lightning bolts. It is said to have the power to control the weather and protect sailors from harm during a storm.   The Storm-Shield Armor: This powerful armor is said to be created by Dimo himself and imbued with his divine power. It is made of a special material that is resistant to both water and lightning, making it highly sought after by sailors and those who travel the seas. The armor is said to provide protection against the fiercest storms and protect its wearer from harm. The Storm-Shield Armor is adorned with intricate designs of waves and lightning bolts, symbolizing Dimo's power over the sea and storms. Those who possess this armor are said to have the blessing of Dimo, and can brave the roughest seas with confidence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dimo's symbol is a trident, which represents his power over the sea and his ability to create storms and control the tides. The trident is often depicted as a tall, three-pronged spear, with each prong symbolizing his control over the elements of wind, water, and lightning. This symbol is commonly seen in temples dedicated to Dimo, and on ships as a talisman to protect sailors from harm.
Divine Classification