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Illumination in the Umbra.

Year of the Jellyfish

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The story opens in a sprawling metropolis (by the standards of this time and place). The wards ranging from Majestic castles and mansions to a bustling marketplace to busy docks to slums. Predators, protectors, victims, opportunists and bureaucrats trying to get through their days and nights. The law is strict but fair. Tolerance is a fundamental cornerstone in this society. Violence in the streets is not tolerated. Guards are competent, with the elite units quite formidable. Inside the main wall it is crowded, but even in the poor sections, not as run down or dirty as you would think. Being right on the sea, makes for a lot of moisture, be it rain or fog. The guards are best described as professional. Neither rude nor overly friendly. During the day the population fills the streets. More than half a million folks live here year round. Between the walled city, surrounding villages, and more transient folks, the population can hit as close as any census official can pinpoint it a million people. "People" refers to any sentient and social creature choosing to spend time here if not make it their home. Humans of every flavor make up the bulk of the permanent inhabitants. Styles, foods, and customs from around the world mix together here. There is energy and life and passion in this city. The is surprisingly little hostile confrontation past heated debates. The legal system deals with most issues and the word Justice can be used without a sarcastic tone. This is not to say that people aren't murdered, families reputations ruined, or revenge enacted. Most of this type of business is not done in the streets or out in the open. There are pickpockets and thieves, but rarely do they hurt anyone badly. With all that said, folks do just disappear at times. Some pickup and move with little explanation.   Very few families are from here. The number of families that can trace their history back more than 4 generations is very small. This is a port and trade route stop near a dwarven mining clan. Conflict and war made the location a risky place to settle down. Tales of invasions, hauntings, cursed deep mines and passages below the city, that has only been truly settled for 350 years, did not attract a throng of long term residents. Eventually the natural resources, wealth, and stabilizing presence of the city government and military, made it a very attractive home.   This is a city of chances. Do you feel like trying your Luck?     A variation of a published setting. Mostly for the maps as I cannot draw. Many NPCs, factions, locations and lore are included for scenery and atmosphere. Most of the major world changing/destroying elements are minimized or removed. This is not a tale of the gods and tearing the fabric of reality. This is the Saga of people with epic potential defining their path.

NOTICE! Portions of the content are directly from TSR/Wizards of the Coast. I claim ownership of none of their material. I have no intent to profit from this project. It is to organize my story and and Campaign for my ease of reference and the enjoyment of my players. I tried to access public domain images but can not guarantee that all are actually public domain. If any material belongs to you, pleas contact me and it will be removed. As this project is private and for myself and my players with no money involved, accessing this material would call into question the legality of your access. Any written material not owned by WotC is my IP and not for public use.

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