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Humanoids with feline features and fast reflexes that are exceptionally social and love to adventure and nap

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Catfolk mature quickly and are able to walk at only a few months old, but they mature in a rate similiar to humans and are considered adults at 18 years old.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Catfolk are carnivores, therefore their diet is mostly made of protein-rich meat with little fibers and carbohydrates. The meat is derived usually from land herbivores and fish the catfolk themselves hunt. Most catfolk like their meat undercooked but very well-seasoned and their culinary is considered spicy by other ancestries.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Catfolk call themselves amurruns, although many consider this name to be private. They raise their children in large extended families, where they are given what many other humanoids see as a distressing latitude to explore and get into trouble from a remarkably young age. Catfolk learn a trade in a loose apprenticeship, and the majority learn several trades over their lives.
  Catfolk societies are often led by an appointed leader who speaks on behalf of the community and mediates disputes. A catfolk leader is most often a spellcaster and usually female. Catfolk prefer to deal with grievances by making an elaborate showing of disinterest, or even leaving a community for a time so the problem can die away or work itself out.
  Most catfolk venerate Desna as she is their creator. However, some groups felt she abandoned sthem during Gemron’s tyranny and have devoted themselves to other deities, in particular Abadar as they seek to build their own civilization. This phenomenon has led to conflicts in the Crimson Empire between the more traditionalist Desna worshipers and the ones that seek to integrate and trade with other ancestries by adopting new religious practices.


According to their own legends, the amurrun (as they call themselves) originate from great cats made by Desna, the goddess of dreams and stars, to hunt down the nightmare threats to the young world. In order to pursue their task more effectively, these cats were given intelligence and forms suited to making and using tools.
  Their first society was made up of a few clans in the jungles of the Roaring Archipelago that built multiple temples dedicated to Desna. However, their homes were destroyed by the red dragon Gemron, who ruled over the catfolk for centuries as a tyrant. A few of them managed to escape and settle outside of the archipelago while those who remained had to suffer under the crimson tyrant.
  Two decades ago, Gemron, the crimson tyrant, mysteriously disappeared and the catfolk in the Roaring Archipelago started to build their society again. They have built multiple city-states in the huge desert that the dragon used to rule over, now known as the Crimson Empire. As other ancestries started to build their own cities nearby, the catfolk became great merchants known for their wonderlust and mysticism.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Catfolk have a good relationship with most, if not all, other ancestries. They particular enjoy carefree individuals like themselves, making them more friendly to elves, gnomes and halflings. Although catfolks don’t particularly enjoy dwarves’ stoic nature, they are their main trading partner in the Crimson Empire, where most catfolk live.
80 years
Average Height
1,5-1,6 m
Average Weight
50-60 kg
Average Physique
Although all catfolk walk upright and have soft fur, a long tail, large ears, and vertical pupils, they show at least as much variety as ordinary felines. Catfolk have nimble fingers with short claws that are usually retractable. Most catfolk take great pride in maintaining their appearance and rarely suffer the indignity of being wet or dirty if they can avoid it.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The fur color and pattern of each catfolk is unique and varies according to the envirment they evolved in. Common fur patters include solid colors, stripes and spots. The fur is longer and softer on colder climates. but it is shorter on hot climates. Fur colors are extremly varied and include black, brown, gray, white, orange and yellow.
Geographic Distribution

Cultural groups

Faraj (desert catfolk)

The Faraj are the descendants of the catfolk that were ruled by Gemron and are mostly concentrated on the Crimson Empire. They resemble caracals (desert lynxes) and tend to have striped bronze or yellow fur that blends with the desert landscape and light colored eyes with hues that include yellow, blue and green.
  Most of them live in walled city-states with quadrangular buildings made from sandstone. These cities have busy and colorful markets that sells things from all over Ilnora. Each city state is lead by an elected elder council that chooses a leader between themselves. Many Faraj, however, prefer to lead a nomad lifestyle going from one city to another and surviving the harsh desert on trading alone.
Their clothes’ main function is to protect from the heat and they are made from lightweight and flowing robes of vibrant warm colors with colorful patterns. Their head is often protected by a veil or a turban and their body is adorned by golden or silver jewelry that serves as a status symbol.

Hulmyr (jungle catfolk)

The Hulmyr are the catfolk that remained in their native jungle and continued to hunt down monsters, hiding from Gemron and her tyranny. They usually resemble jaguars, ocelots and cheetahs possessing different patterns in their orange or yellow fur such as dots, spots or stripes. They are also slightly taller than the rest of their kin.
  The Hulmyr live in small tribes inside the dense jungles of the Roaring Archipelago and are the most connected to their creator Desna as they do their best to maintain their ancient traditions. While their ancient temples and citeis have long been destroyed, they maintain duties as hunters of nightmares. These catfolk are also quite isolated, having little contact with the rest of their kin and other ancestries.
  Due to the high humidity and temperature of the jungles they live in, their clothing is extremely light or non existant. When present, their clothes are extremely pratical consists of simple loincloths and belts made from the leather and fur of the animals they hunt. They do display tokens of their hunts as necklaces and bracelets to show their skill. The more tokens one has, the more they are respected by their kin.

Khayeb (snow catfolk)

The Khayeb are considered traitors amongst catfolks as they are the ones that freed Gemron, the crimson tyrant and began the centuries of opression. They live in the mountains tops of the Arctic Highlands in the Roaring Archipelago and thus have developed thick fur coats to protect them from the intense cold. They usually resemble pumas and tigers as their fur tends to bear darker hues.
  Legends passed down by the desert catfolk suggest that the Khayeb, due to their proximity to Gemron, acquired draconic powers. Most of their kind are said to be sorcerers with incredible fire powers. These legends are hard to confirm as the Khayeb isolated themselves completely in fear of retribution. However, a few have decided to leave their mountain villages and seek redemption from other catfolk.
  he Khayeb use multiple layer of clothes to protect them from the cold. These are made from the fur and the leather of the animals they hunt and are usually died in blue or grey tones with warm accents. The clothes are more practical than fashion, but they do not hesitate to adorn their thick clothes with medals and symbols that demostrate their rank and power inside their hierarquical society.

Mafqudaki (urban catfolk)

The Mafqudaki are the descendants of the catfolk that fled the Roaring Archipelago to escapee from Gemron and then settled in mostly human cities in search of a new life. Their appearance varies according to the local climate, those located in dry lands resemble lions, those in dense forests resemble tigers while those in the big cities, which are the majority, are more similar to domestic cats with extremely varied fur color and patterns.
  The Mafqudaki formed tight-knit communities inside the bigger cities they found themselves in. Most continued with their desnan traditions but some decided to use their feline abilities to steal, making them great assets for criminal factions. Their clothing varies according to their culture they are inserted in, although they are usually more attracted to clothes that won’t impede their movements.

Desert catfolk

Jungle catfolk

Snow catfolk

Urban catfolk