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The A'verân Academy (/ɶ ʋˈərɑn/)

Academy of historical science

The fortress of Kalyn
A'verân, the former fortress of Kalyn  
"There are greater things than magic, we call them science" ~Colean el'Cavatyr to her class
In a world full of magic, there is one place - one place, build by human hands - where it doesn't matter. One place, where the only magic known, is science. The only quest to take learning. The only disturbances are the morning's birds and the missing time.
The A'verân academy, comon called the Academy of historical science, or simply AHS, situated in the north of Vinterdalen near the small town of Kalyn, has been one of the most fabulous but also elitist places to study in hole Ilnor. Most of the greatest scientists, engineers and historians of our time spent their youth there. Founded by Logevyn el'Cavatyr with the wish to collect all the knowledge about every single science of past and present, the academy accommodate one of the greatest library and collections in all Ilnor.    



The Câstonyn

A'verân is led by the Câstonyn, a position passed down from generation to generation, since Logevyn el'Cavatyr herself. The Câstonyn's task is to keep peace all around the former fortress of Kalyn. But it's also one of their dutys, to teach one or more classes in the school. They might be a parental figure for some, or many, of the students, but they rule with an iron fist, over them all. The current Câstonyn is Colean el'Cavatyr.  

The Lyar

After the Câstonyn comes the Lyar, which can be translated from Vinayn as deputy. There are always four Lyars, three from each faculty of the academy and one student in their last year. Its their duty to represent instructors such as students in every meeting of the schools council, and anyone is able to contact them for wishes, ideas or with problems about the academy.  

The council

The school council consisting of the Câstonyn, the Lyars, the captain of the academy's guard and the head of the employees. They decide about rules and individual cases of non-compliance.  

The lecturers

The lecturers, usually just called teachers by the students, are mostly well-known and successful scientists. But even among them there are real celebrities.  

The guard

It is the job of the captain and the guard to ensure the safety of the students and the rare exhibits in the collection. They are all well-trained soldiers from the royal army of Vinterdalen.

The Students

Because of the high costs most of the students are born nobel or at least really rich, but there are also some who are not, but who get supported by ether the academy or private sponsors.    

Rules and regulations

Every student must follow, every student must be led.
First: Relations with students and lecturers that exceed platonic are strictly and without exception prohibited. Violations are punishable by reprimand from the academy.
Second: Violent acts are prohibited on the entire site. These include insults, proclaiming and disrespectful behavior. The exception is pure self-defence.
Third: Lecturers are considered authoritys and are never addressed by first name, but always by Ma'am or Sir.
Fourth: The privacy of other students is to be respected and maintained. Unauthorized entry into another person's room is not permitted.
Fifth: Racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination against students, lecturers and guests are strictly and under all circumstances prohibited
Sixth: Out of respect, other students are addressed by their last names.
Not all rules are listed here, because it would be to many, but the six above are the main ones.  
A painting of the first Câstonyn, and the academy's founder Logevyn el'Cavatyr. It hangs in the large entrance hall


The academys building is a former fortress, which was build in 1532 a.H. to guarantee the safety of the city Kalyn and it's citizen. But after the loss of the harbour in 1792, because of a big flood, the city was left by most of the inhabits and slowly turned from the biggest and richest cities in the northern world into an almost forgotten village in nowhere.
Until the "Great war" (2104- 2142), where the fortress was the only safe haven for the crushed and dispersed troops of the country, because of it's hidden location in the Grey Mountains.
And even after the war, it was used as a military base from then.
When the peace pact with Walya and Xran was concluded (3.4.2217), it was sold to the family el'Câstonyn in 2235. In 2358 the heiress Logevyn el'Cavatyr, known for her only love called science, founded the A'verân Academy, because of her wish to give young people a safe place to study. A'verân is derived from the Vinayn word Aferânt, wish means something like "located in the mountains".    

The school-life

"It's actually a thing to just start an experiment without knowing where it will end, but starting an essay like this is not." ~Professor Pevjan to a student
Many students will tell you about how mean the instructors are. And sometimes they actually are, even when the reasons are different to the expectations of the asked ones.
There are restrictions when students want to start at A'verân, mostly the age. There are some, such as Sylva Al'Kain, who come there with not even fourteen, but all trough, most students are between 17 and 21 when they start at this academy. But they are never older than 24. While the foundation of the academy, the age didn't matter, over the time the rules changed, mostly because the motivations of the Câstonyn, which began to influence the personal development of the students and to use them and their brilliant minds for their own ends. While that, the Lyar and the other teachers try to support the students as much as possible with their individual development and teach them a critical and independent thinking. Another restriction is the species, because the academy is made for humans only. There still are some exceptions with half-blooded students, but they are really rare to find. Contrary to many claims, there is no favor depending on gender. But there are less female than male people studying, but that mostly regards to the support of their families. The last restriction is to be able to speak Vinayn and Xranian fluently, because all classes are teached in one of these languages. How long you spend your time there varies, depending on grades, classes and free-time courses you take. These courses are activities, that go from chess over piano to sword-fight and that are open to every student of the school, who is fast enough to get a place at the beginning of the year. Grades are given for engagement, hard work and knowledge in assignments. These are numbers, or points, going from one to twenty-five, while twenty-five is the best you can get. In the end of every year, which is normally near midsummer eve, every student has to hand in an annual project, they have worked on, and to write the annual exams in every of their classes. They have to pass at least the half of the exams to get the allowans to study in the next year. Every student has an own room, for sleeping and learning, samtiges but rarely, there are also two-person rooms. A normal day starts with the breakfast at sunrise and the first lesson about half-an-hour later and ends late afternoon. The students have free-time one day a week, when they join the chosen courses, the other days are school. There are two holidays, each seven weeks, one in summer and one in winter, where some students visit their familys, which mostly live far away.    

Facultys and Classes

  Each faculty has one head master, which is the facultys Lyar as well, to keep the order. The facultys are "Social sciences", "Natural sciences" and "Formal sciences". Every student is registert in one, and only one, faculty, which is the first specializtion, they do. Before the start of school, the candidates hand in their application work, to get a place in the faculty of their wants. The head masters deside based on this work, if they want the candidate or not. Those who have passed this first test are awaited by a last check which will determine whether they are eligible for one of the coveted but also very limited places at the Academy. Depending on the faculty the check looks very different. While the future students of "Natural sciences" simply have to show, how they work and experiment, the ones of "Social sciences" are putted in a "simulation", made by an Illusionist to test their reactions in different situations, the range is from the loss of a close friend up to approaching death. This technic is getting a lot of critics, because of the terror for the students. The "Formal sciences" test is simply an exam. For every faculty there is a tower, were it's students have their rooms. As well, every faculty has it's own uniform.  

Natural sciences

The "Natural sciences" faculty is specialized on biology and chemistry. In the north-tower, the students spend most of their time, only coming out for the meals or gatherings of the hole schoolarship. Their uniforms are hold in a dark teal with white pants.  

Social sciences

This faculty is specialized on psychology and history. The tower's interior is hold in grey and turquoise, to present their intentions of clarity, compassion, neutrality and practicality. The same colours are found in the plain unfiorm, only adorned by the coat of arms of the academy.  

Formal sciences

In Averâns eastern tower you will find the "Formal sciences" faculty, specialized on math and locic. The students,always in the black and navi of their unfiorm, from this faculty normally keep to themselves and are strict when it comes to rules. And these are upheld even more strictly here, almost revered, than in the other faculties.  


In the classes the students specialize on one specific science, such as astronomy or math. Each student chooses four to six classes, depending on the classes themselves, but they are allowed to take up to two classes, which are not part of their faculty. Based on these, every student gets an individual schedule. The available classes change from year to year a bit.    

Famous students and lectures

Yozzath Asymerald, one of Ilnors most famous historicans, who's been studying the "Great War" for over thirty years, is one of the most known lectures of the school.    
Syêna Kavath has become a briliant author of historycal but also fictional books, after she had perfected her abilities at the academy. Some of her books, such as "Between peace" or "The enemy inside", have become a compulsory reading at the AHS.    
Zhao Ming is known for her efforts to end the order of estates in Xran. She is also called "the outcast" because she was banished from her home after the ensuing rebellion in Xran and is now fomenting unrest with a small group of rebels. Some say, that without her years at the school, her way would have been a completly different.    
Chia al'Ihevan has been the first halbblooded student, the Averân Academy has ever seen. And she had her struggels to fit in, but it was her strength and stamia, that encouraged and inspired all the others of her kind, who'ver ever set a food behind the great gates.

Sow knowledge, reap wisdom

Founding Date
2358 a.H.

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