Disability Empowerment

It’s one of the oldest disability organizations in the world and it has a big group of activists from every corner of the world. It was founded during the Disability Crisis by two friends who wanted to make a difference.  

Rough Beginnings

The disabled community wasn’t happy about the way things were run under the reign of the Warlord and two friends decided to do something about it and slowly started to make a building dedicated to making a difference in gaining back the rights of the disabled community.   It took them a while to get the organization ready for opening and knew that they would face a lot of backlash for this but that wouldn’t stop them. There was a slow trickle of people joining before people started spreading the word to their friends. They had to be careful of who they mentioned it to because it could easily ruin get them killed.  

Actions and Consequences

The organization started with small actions before moving towards bigger stuff like protests. The Warlord caught wind of the organization and the protests. He sent guards to stop them and got lots of people killed either directly or indirectly through infections. They pushed back a few times which had devastating consequences for them at times. The Warlord passed decrees to try to stop them from protesting but they never worked and they kept pushing for equal rights.   They confused to protest for decades before making some progress with the ruler that overtook after the Warlord took over with Royal Decree #34 that allowed disabled people to hold jobs when they are 18.   The organization is still active today to continue to do what it was originally doing. It’s not as popular as it once was in its peak but there are activists all over the world fighting to make a difference.


I may expand this article in the future

Work In Progress

This article is a WIP. It might get an update in the future
Activist, Charity

Cover image: by TheDoctor292


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