Royal Decree: Equal Pay Document in Ilthci | World Anvil

Royal Decree: Equal Pay

Problems During Creation

When Myshah tried to pass this decree he faced multiple reactions by the parliament. The parliament was filled with people that held the belief of previous rulers for a long time so passing the decree was a nightmare for Myshah. After he made several appeals the parliament reluctantly gave in.


The decree was created to try and start giving disabled people rights after generations of being ignored. Myshah was always a supporter of disabilities and when he got elected as king the first thing he did was making a few decrees that improved the rights of the disabled community. The first one that he tried to pass was this one.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

There were mixed reactions when this decree got passed. Most people hated the fact that they got equal pay and thoughts that they don’t need to make the same amount as they did. The disabled community on the other hand was to make a lot more money than they used to. Most businesses followed suite but some tried to ignore it but they gave in after being involved in a few court cases. The parliament didn’t really want to have to deal with the cases that would come out of this decree but they didn’t really have a choice.


This marked the beginning of a new era in history and there was finally hope for the disabled community and quickly made Myshah respected among them. They haven’t had a ruler in a very long time that actually cared about them ever since the Warlord took power. This paved the path for future decrees and a time of revolution for disability rights across the world.


I may expand this article in the future
Decree, Royal
Ratification Date
-3664 BC

Cover image: by TheDoctor292


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