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The Aspirants of Deftbride

The Aspirants of Deftbride are a quasi-religious sect who believe that Ellis Deftbride ascended to become a demigod after the Battle of the Upper Plains . The Aspirants of Deftbride believe that the Balemontian victories experienced after the Aberration against Drakzul were in fact because Ellis Deftbride had ascended to demigod hood as the Protector of Mankind. The group is racially exclusive in nature and only allows humans and halflings to join their ilk. They enjoy limited recognition by the Crown in Balemont thanks to their willingness to take up arms against Drakzul, though their less admirable views on race in general are somewhat overlooked. The symbol of the Aspirants of Deftbride is the black silhouette of a man on a gray canvass and a large bright sun in the background.


The Aspirants feature a complex organization structure thanks to their blending of religious and military ventures. The group is directed and led by the Grand Diviner but each local chapter can be led by members of both the religious and military arms of the organization.


The Aspirants of Deftbride are fervent in their belief that after the Aberration, humans and halflings are the "chosen" people. They do not hold particularly hostile views toward other races with the exception of dragonborn, kobolds and lizard folk.

"For All Mankind"

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Leader Title

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