Nightstone Settlement in Im'raiel | World Anvil
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Nightstone is a fortified settlement that grew into a large and well protected town. Located roughly around the center of Novis. It is known for its excellent defenses in the form of fortified walls and an inner district protected by a moat. Its name is derived from the mysterious obsidian obelisk that was once embedded in the center of the town, which came to be known as The Nightstone. The obelisk is inscribed with unknown glyphs and gives of a magical aura of evocation magic.   The town consists of an Outer Section and an Inner Section. The Outer Section was more recently constructed and is protected by high walls of stone and battlements patrolled by Nightstone Guards. There are four gates that provide access to the town, the Forest, Dam, North and West Gates. The Inner Section is where the town center is, surrounded by a moat. It consists of two islands, known as a motte and bailey, with the large one housing the town center and some of the original buildings constructed, such as the Romance Dawn Inn and a small temple dedicated to Lathander and Mielikki. The smaller island, the motte, is home to the Nighstone Keep, which is accssed by an ascending bride. The bridge used to be one of wood, but it was upgraded to one of stone.   Nighstone was established in 1512 by a group of unknown explorers that migrated to Novis after its discovery. According to town records and journal entires, the group came across the Nighstone and set up a research project that eventually evolved into a small settlement. Others began drifting there, with the settlement evolving primarily due its natural defenses in the form of the Mundeep River moat and the fish that moved through it from upstream. The Verborough forest to the Easts proved to be a good source of animals and lumber.   By 1537, Nightstone was mostly thriving. At the time, its defenses consisted of its moat and some wooden pailisade walls, as well as the Nightstone Guard. These defenses proved inadequate however, as the town was attacked by a group of Goblins and Ogres that had been growing their forces and planning their attack from a nearby cave system in the surrounding Verborough forest. Shortly after the attack, members of the Black Network, a small-time underground criminal organisation, entered the town and attempted to take the town from the remaining citizens and Nighstone Guard. However, two adventurers, Onax Winterstone and Zharros Redrock, happened to end up in Nighstone at the right time. According to accounts from survivors and the guard, the two proceeded to clean up the remaining Goblins and fought alongside the surviving guards to destroy the Black Network's agents. The defeat of the agents in Nighstone was such a brutal blow that the organisation dissolved not long after, devoid of manpower and influence. The two men then sought out the Goblin hideout and summarily destroyed all of them and freed a handful of captured survivors.   The events of 1537 led to Nighstone's eventual revitalization and upgrade in the wake of destruction. The city expanded and its defenses were increased. It is now a well protected bastion, home to many. Nightstone is watched over by the noble human family of Anceyth. The current ruling noble lord is Friffin Anceyth.   In 1565, the town was attacked by a group calling themselves the Dragon Cult, lead by a man clad on a smiling dragon mask. The group successfully made off with the Nightstone, despite the attempts of the Obsidian Guard and an independent adventuring group calling themselves The Gatekeepers, who attempted to warn the town of the cultist threat in advance.


Mostly Humans, Elves and Half-Elves. Halflings, Gnomes and Half-Orcs are also commonly found here.


High Walls of stone, well trained and equipped guards and an inner defensive moat.


in 1537, the settlement was attacked by a Goblin horde from the nearby woods. Accompanied by Ogres, they managed to throughly sack the village. A criminal organization known as the Black Network tried to take the town for themselves in the wake of the attack in order to establish a foothold in Novis. In the midst of all this, two adventurers happened to stumble upon the town and ended up beating back the Goblin threat alongside the town guard and anihilating their home in the caves, as well as defeating a large amount of the Black Network's agents, essentially destroying the fledgling group. This event inspired a rapid progression of the settlement's infrastrucutre, leading to it's current status.


Many newcomers to Novis find themselves visiting to Nightstone to take a look at it's namesake. Aspring wizards often visit in an attempt to identify the properties of the Nightstone and make a name for themselves. So far, none have succeeded.

Natural Resources

Many fish can be found in the Mundeep river that run through the town, coming from upstream. The nearby Verborough Forest is also flush with animals and a good supply of lumber.
Founding Date
Large town
Roughly 5,724
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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