City-State of Myntal Settlement in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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City-State of Myntal

Thick smoke rises from the narrow alleys of Myntal, from the many foundries and workshops that dot this city. The large river Ordis runs through the city, but its stream is polluted by the many metal works in the city. The city's council members are elected by the city's many craft guilds. An entire platoon of elite dwarven defenders protects the city, while the militia keeps the peace inside the city. Upon reaching adulthood, every able man and woman must serve in the militia for at least 2 years before he or she will be granted a permit to build, live and work in the city. Outsiders are granted temporary permits to trade and stay in the city. Although the city's laws are strict, those that break that law will sooner find themselves thrown out of the city than thrown into prison.

N Metropolis
Corruption +5; Crime +4; Economy +6; Law +3; Lore +6; Society +7
Qualities industrial, military presence, rumormongering citizens
Danger +10
DEMOGRAPHICS Government Council
Population 26,000
Notable NPCs
Councilor Dorfa Blackhammer (LN female dwarf commoner warrior 3/commoner 12)
Militia Captain Rose “the thorn” Anathe (CG female elf fighter 4)
Guild Weapon Smith Derick (N male human expert 10)
The Ghastdale Warlock Takgar (NE male dwarf adept 6)
MARKETPLACE Base Value 19,200 gp; Purchase Limit 120,000 gp; Spellcasting 8th
Minor Items Nearly All; Medium Items 4d4; Major Items 3d4

Myntal Consortium Banner by Martijn Donker

Large city
Location under

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