Fjortir Organization in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Capital: Coasthall and Kyngesmere
Cities: Maplethorpe, Westerwin

Currently is Ruins, many harvests have failed, and the survivors seek refuge in other kingdoms. Rumors says that it was madness that killed the king in the end.

The People

The now mostly inhabited by humans are a hardly folk, that have withstood the attack of a king gone mad and devastating undead plague that still lingers in the countryside. Misled by a powerful vampire Gil Westron now turn the focus on finding a new king and rebuilding the once emerald green island kingdom. The people of were resourceful in the time when the plague struck, they have adapted a necromantic art of replacing organs and limbs that were affected by the plague. Now, most of the human population has one or more “grafts” as a witness to the horrors of the plague. Their grafts give the people an extended lifespan, and when more grafts e added to the fact that the human organs will still die of old age, some can live up to 300 years old. The Fjortir Alliance still stands after the corruption of Gil Westron. The generals we replaced by a few soldiers who helped overthrow the old king. The alliance still had its function defending the remaining cities from the legions of undead still roaming the wilds.

The Fallen King

For many decades, the kings have ruled Fjortir, with passion and love for its people. And no one could have foretold what horrible actions the king made and why he had forsaken the land. Trapped by his immortality, the kings sought a cure, a remedy to put an end to the immortal reign of the kings and queens of Ianna. A king could only rule for a couple of generations before passing up the throne to someone new, and no king or queen should be immortal. As he practiced with the dark arts, he slowly began to lose his humanity. The experiments were driving him slowly mad and insane. After a couple of years, the king disappears completely from public life, not long after that, people within the king's city began to disappear, and the very land began to darken. When the undead rose from their graves, the people sought the protection of their king, but the only thing they found was slaughter and torture in bizarre experiments by their once beloved king. As the people began to revolt against the once loved king, the king reappears from his city, and with him, he brought the plague.
The king had a new creed, he will bring down the immortals of this world, and you the people will serve me for as longs as it will take, whether it is in life or death.

The Fjortir Alliance

The Alliance was created as the last line of defense of the remaining military and militia groups of the three remaining cities of Kyngesmere, Maplethorpe, Westerwin to fight against the undead plague and armies of the mad king. Although they didn't reclaim any terrain on the undead and they were slowly losing good men, they kept the three cities’ relative safe, and the morale was high. This safety didn't last long, and the plague crept through the cities, and without means of defending themselves against the plague, all would is lost. Their miracle came in the form of a man called Gil Westron, and off-worlder who brought with him the divine power of replaces afflicted parts of the body. Gil would supplier the parts and knowledge about stopping the plague for free. At first, the people were shocked by the idea, but with the lack of alternatives, they replaced the infected part with new ones, and rid themselves of the plague, some needed just one replacement where others needed more. Soon after that, Gil became somewhat of a hero to the people and began to see him as the next king.

Unknowing to the people Gil was given the power over the people through the undead body parts, he could control the movements of the arms and feet, could see through their eyes. Whit, his cure people, began to regain hope and were trying to fight back the plague and undead horde. Gil needed the plague of the king to enslave these people fully and when the king's city of Coasthall to face the mad king himself. He succeeded in capturing the king with a couple of his followers form the Alliance. As long as the king is alive, the plague would spread as it gave him control of the wandering undead. With those assets, he turns all of the kings undead on the people, hastening the plague, and resulting in casualties reducing the chance that the people would overcome the plague. Soon after that, he replaced the alliance command with his most trusted followers, giving him more control over the people of Fjortir.

Fjortir Fleet Banner by Martijn Donker


  • Fjortir
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Barter system
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker


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