Gnome Species in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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In the early history of the world, the gnomes where a part of everyday society, coexisting with the humans, halflings, sha and elves of both worlds, but due to an epidemic many of the gnomes died and the surviving ones slowly turned away from the cities and headed back to the fey world where they came from.   Now seeing a gnome is a rare sight. The few that remain behind on the twin worlds hide in the fey courts deep within the wilderness. Degenerated after the epidemic and the lack of other humanoids to interact with, most gnomes have turn to cannibalism. Very few ever venture outside of their forests.   Too much of the horrors of the other races it was the gnomes condemned their race into savagery as they were one of first races to kill one of the immortal arza. After this the arza never tried to contact the gnomes ever again.   Play a gnome if you want…
  • to play a race of tricksters who like to play with their food.
  • to be deeply connected to the fey courts.
  • to be a member of a race that favors the bard, rogue and sorcerer classes.
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan
Favored Regions: Feylande, Greenshire, Sovranwold, Umble Forest
Favored Religions: Demari, Leticia, Kindred Spirits
Female Names: Besh, Fijit, Lini, Neji, Majet, Pai, Queck, Trig
Male Names: Abroshtor, Bastargre, Halungalom, Krolmnite, Poshment, Zarzuket, Zatqualmie
Appearance: Gnomes stand just over 3 feet in height. They have vibrant hair colors such as the fiery orange of autumn leaves, the verdant green of forests at springtime or the deep purple of wildflowers. Similarly, their skin tones range from earthy browns to floral pinks. Gnomes possess highly mutable facial characteristics, and many have overly large mouths and eyes, that give them a disturbing appearance.

Savage Races

Genetic Ancestor(s)

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker

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