Ianna in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Land of the Elements, The Magical Kingdoms

  • Magic is common, most people have seen a spell being cast and know of its power.
  • Divinity is scarcely practiced; gods have little power and those who do pray to revere the elements above all others.
  • The lands are dividing into kingdom and cover-up the de majority of the land.
  • People are open to new ideas but often distant.
  • The lands are scattered with hamlets and villages, there is a sense of relative safety.


Ianna is divided into six kingdoms: Aldriel, Durnmorn, Elangon, Merenam, Fjortir, and Nindir. The largest continent houses the massive kingdom of Aldriel and the small, recently formed kingdom of Durnmorn, which rests on the northern arm of the continent.

The other kingdoms are located on the many islands that lie scattered across this world: to the north lie Elangon and Merenam, to the east Fjortir, with Nindir in the south. In the middle of these kingdoms, a small island is situated, crowned with a massive tree that reaches towards the heavens. This is the Iyassia Tree, also known as "the cradle of life" and "the mother of all that lives". The island is home to the enigmatic Silvain, who protect and nurture the tree.


Each kingdom is ruled by a single king or queen. This rule is not passed on by birth, heritage or status, but by the Iyassia Tree: when a kingdom loses its ruler, the inhabitants of the kingdom gather at the roots of the tree and, from them, Iyassia chooses a new ruler.

The Choosing draws many people to the tree. Most come to see and pay homage to their new ruler, but others gather hoping to become the new king or queen of their kingdom.

The Choosing grants a ruler eternal life: neither time nor sickness will fell them. Only their flaws can topple a king or queen, because if a ruler rules wisely and in tune with the elements, the kingdom will prosper, and the lands will be blessed. Only when nature is corrupted and the land is ruled wickedly, the kingdom falls sick, becomes cursed and dies harvests fail, lakes dry up and the people fall victim to illness and plague. When a king or queen loses the favor of the primordials like this, he or she is usually quickly overthrown, and a new ruler can be chosen.


Before the opening of the portal, the Iannians only worshipped the most basic form of the primordials themselves – the elements – or the spirits of the land, the Kindred Spirits. The primordials themselves hardly ever influence this world directly and as a result, religion has always been rather casual on Ianna. Most people know that the primordials exist, but very few worship them actively, although many villages and cities have a shrine to honor one or more of the elements.

Since the opening of the portal, knowledge of the gods has spread to Ianna, but their religious ways find very little support amongst the Iannians as the godly dogmas are too restrictive for the freedom-loving people. As a result, very few clerics and even fewer other divine casters live on Ianna.

The only creature the Iannians worship as a divine being is the Iyassia Tree herself; an ironic tradition, as no one on Ianna now knows that she was once a goddess.

Daily life

When the primordials created the world, they imbued it with a great amount of magic. Because of this, many are born with eldritch powers in Ianna and every aspect of daily life is affected by magic. It is not uncommon to see a farmer plowing his field with magic or a merchant protecting his shop with wards. Although most travel across the world is conducted by boats, teleporting is also a common way to get around Ianna.
The surplus of magic allows for many business opportunities and Braxris supports the biggest trade houses on both worlds. Many of these businesses focus solely on creating magic items and selling them to those that are not gifted with magic themselves.
Daily life differs in each of the kingdoms, but Iannians tend to focus on fending for themselves and building their own life. Cities and villages often spring into being for convenience and protection, rather than a sense of community.

World Map of Ianna by Martijn Donker

The First Maiden stepped forth on the first day
and created a flower from which plants and trees were born.

The Second Maiden stepped forth on the second day
and created a den from which animals and insects were born.

The Third Maiden stepped forth on the third day
and created the corals from which the creatures of the sea were born.

The Forth Maiden stepped forth on the fourth day
and created the shadows to give the demons of this world a place to roam.

The Fifth Maiden stepped forth on the fifth day
and created a tree from which the intelligent races were born,
, and she gave them the five kingdoms to live.

And thus, the world of Ianna was created.
The Five Maidens then named the first kings
and queens to guide the five kingdoms and disappeared forever.

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker


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