Rulthan Settlement in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Rulthan has long been the seat of power of the Nindir kingdom. Rulthan has a small fishing port that also holds some small royal ships: the only vessels that can sail the Dragon's Strait, because it is too shallow for large ships. This makes Rulthan reliant on Athhan for the import of overseas goods and its naval base.

In the middle of this massive city lies the royal court. Many of the official guilds and royal offices are located around this court and make it the wealthiest city of the kingdom. The city has many parks, grand villas and manors, rich inns and alehouses, luxurious brothels and the best entertainment in the two worlds.

But the city has a dark underside: behind the Gate of Elemental Might lie the slums, its citizens kept out of sight by the city guard. A large, thick wall cuts a quarter out the sprawling city and lock this unwanted side far away from the royal court and the trade quarter.

Only those with a permit are allowed to work within city and slaves are expected to be kept inside at all times.
With the rise of king Stokys all Sha have abandoned the city: the only Sha still around are slaves.

LN Metropolis
Corruption +7; Crime +7; Economy +9; Law +6; Lore +6; Society +6
Qualities financial, government capitol, notorious, party town, prosperous, racially intolerant (sha)
Danger +20
DEMOGRAPHICS Government Autocracy
Population 32,000
Notable NPCs King Stokys the III (LE male human fighter 8/ranger 3) Advisor Numi Hadrama (NE female human sorcerer 11) Legendary Master Bard Danae (CG male elf bard 16) MARKETPLACE Base Value 32,000 gp; Purchase Limit 260,000 gp; Spellcasting 8th
Minor Items Nearly All; Medium Items 4d4; Major Items 3d4
Owning Organization

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker


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