The Raven Queen Character in Imdaril | World Anvil

The Raven Queen

Divine Domains

Death, Winter, Fate

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Descending raven atop a knotted background

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Uphold the inevitability of fate.

Physical Description

Body Features

Tall and thin humanoid woman in deep black robes with a hood covering her upper face and sleeves covering her hands. You will never see her hands until you clasp them in death.

Facial Features

The visible bottom-half of her face appears to be made of white porcelain, with lips painted red. Though upon first glace her face appears to be a mask, she has been known to grace her champions with a smile.

Physical quirks

Solemn, subdued, unreadable, like new-fallen snow.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Morrigan, Mistress of Winter, Lady of Fates

Character Portrait image: by Unknown


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