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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Makima is quite slender, but is moderately curvy where it counts. She is toned and can feel somewhat tough, but she does not has very if any defined muscles.

Body Features

Makima's body does not really stand out except for her large hips.

Facial Features

Her eyes are piercing, they are yellow with red rings like a bullseye.

Identifying Characteristics

Her eyes and her hair

Special abilities

Makima has the ability to dominate and control those she believes are beneath her. She is also equipped with the power to control an invisible force which she can use to crush things at a distance.

Apparel & Accessories

She normally wears a clean suit that has been crisply ironed. However she does also wear a plain black dress.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Makima identifies as female.


Makima is a devil and as such does not align with human norms concerning sexuality. She is attracted to things that she is attracted to and that is enough for her.


Makima is a devil and so knows all about life though her sheer existance. However she has attended the University of Tokyo and graduated with remarkable grades.


Makima was employed by the Japanese government to work in the Japanese Devil Hunter's Association.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Resurrecting the chainsaw man.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being eaten by a nobody rather than the chainsaw man.

Intellectual Characteristics

Makima is calm and collected, and always lets people speak their piece. She is so confident in herself and knows exactly where she stands against others that she knows where things will go and as such sees no reason to interrupt. To do so would just be impolite.

Morality & Philosophy

Makima understands that as a devil she is an embodiment of evil, however she does not believe that the concept she is named for is completely evil. After all, would you say that coffee is evil because a coffee devil exists. To that end she believes that domination, conquest and control are a necessary evil and her too. She believes that she is a weapon to be wielded to fend of the true evils such as murder, war, and nuclear weapons.

Personality Characteristics


Makima is a wretched soul and wishes for nothing more than a family. However, her own existence almost prevents that. Makima classifies everyone as either above her, or below her. So it is almost impossible to find those who thinks of as equals and won't attempt to subjugate. She understands this fate so has grown to accept that reality, but it does still leave a pang in her heart.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Hand to hand combat Reading people Planning and Strategy Keen eye for detail   Ineptitudes: Can't cook to save her life Bad at riddles Scared of insects

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Movies Spicy food Sour sweets Chainsaws Obidience   Dislikes: Difficult people Strawberrys Gambling Hypocrites Disobdience

Virtues & Personality perks

She'll always uphold a promise, and she'll fight against evil when it is present.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is evil and has the compulsion and need to be in control. She is so unconfortable about not being in control that she doesn't remember what she's like when she isn't becuase she has maintained it for so long.   She's so confident in herself that it can come across as arrogance on conceit.

Personality Quirks

She has a small that is best described as small, the width of her mouth narrows greatly when she does so.   She also tilts her head when she hears something she likes, i.e. someone she likes is talking to her and she wants to hear more.


Makima is very particular about being clean and presentable. Her suit is always crisp and freshly ironed.


Religious Views

Makima is not a religious person, she does not worship and gods but does not deny their possibility for existence. If devils can exist, why not gods?

Social Aptitude

Makima oozes confidence and charisma, she pretty much always knows the right thing to say in any conversation to get what she wants.


Makima speaks in quite a soft voice that can either come across as very calming or very unnerving depending on the circumstance and person.
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Control Devil
Date of Birth
Yellow with red bullseye-like rings
Vibrant yet matt red, shoulder length and braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale as snow
120lbs of 54.4kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Bang! Say woof! I'm into the obedient type.
Known Languages
Common, Japanese

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