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Nemiru is a calm, laid-back Ga'Tei, more interested in providing aid where her Isesha requests her than in seeking an active role in their tales.   She is a lover of fine drinks, simple pleasures and exploration. She takes good care of her Isesha, but can sometimes come across as more distant that her counterparts.   Nevertheless, she serves a strict code of conduct and will uphold the laws and rules of Imera with all of herself.

Personality Characteristics


To serve Imera and my Isesha. To ensure my wards walk the path they must.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Nemiru is a skilled fighter and navigator, having gained lots of experience traversing dangerous environments in her time with Isesha.    She is a skilled weaver, cook and hunter.   She is a poor musician and actress.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves fine alcohol and food, new vistas, calm waters and regal environments. She loves gaining memorabilia from her adventures with which she keeps at home.

Virtues & Personality perks

Nemiru is a soft-spoken, calming woman, with a warming presence and wisdom beyond her years. She is a helping force that never fails to be there.

Vices & Personality flaws

Nemiru can often come across as unhelpful, plodding around waiting to be commanded by her Isesha and rarely taking the initiative.

Nemiru is a Shoku rank Niyoku-Zurui Ga'Tei in service to the Isesha Makima. She has served 14 previous Isesha, usually always dealing with national threats.

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Lawful Good
Pastel Red
Purple Accented Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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