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Valindra Shadowmantle

Valindra Shadowmantle (a.k.a. The Saint of Beauty)

Valindra was once just an incredibly powerful mage, but ever since the events of one year ago, she has shed her undead form and been reborn as the Saint of Beauty, a position she covets greatly.   Valindra is an intelligent, astute and meticulous person. Taking care of every detail and ensuring perfect success in all that she does.   She is not one to accept failure, always pulling herself out of the dirt to rise higher than before.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Valindra is the Saint of Beauty, the mortal incarnation of beauty. She can transform the appearance of another or herself at a whim, reforming and resculpting their body and making it appear as though nothing has changed.   This power is immense and allows her to completely alter people, granting them abilities they otherwise could never have, such as a dragon's breath.   Those that are unwilling may resist this ability with a DC28 Wisdom ST.

Personality Characteristics


Valindra wishes to claim a domain of her own. A realm she can rule as a great and beautiful queen.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Valindra is skilled in almost everything she tries to do. She is an immensely powerful archmage, writer, musician, survivor and diplomat. She excels at leading and serving people and is generally pleasant to be around.   Valindra is vain and can't take criticism well. She has poor animal skills and fails to comprehend most machinery.

Likes & Dislikes

Valindra loves living, beauty, magic and power. She lives on the finer things in life and believes luxury is good.   She dislikes grime and filth, hates boring people and cannot stand religious devotees.

Virtues & Personality perks

Valindra is power and intelligent. She wields the vast magics of the arcane and the strength of a saint. She will always be a powerful ally in combat.

Vices & Personality flaws

Valindra is vain and petty, viewing herself as more beautiful, intelligent and wise than those around her. She takes little effort to hide these facts, and can cause problems when she expresses them.

Once a heinous evil that stalked the Sword Coast, Valindra has risen above her previous failings, repenting for her sins and being accepted in her new position as saint of beauty.

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Date of Birth
Pure White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dusky Grey
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I wouldn't call myself good, priest. Gods know I've done my fair share of evil. No, I'm not good. I do good. Don't we all? I'm not just going to leave suffering when I see it, but I won't go out of my way to solve the world's ailments. I do good, because I live; and what greater good is there but continuation? Those who live do good, those who help others live are good, and those that try to end life are evil. I am not good, but I do good.

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