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Assult Standard Unit #284

Assult Standard Unit #284 (a.k.a. ASU)

It is likely ASU was forged in the Duard Mountains like most ASU models. ASU was sent as a heavy support unit for military exploration, colonisation and where needed suppression of the local wildlife and tribespeople in the 'New World'. In the year 369 AS (February 4th), an assault on camp B482 (a camp in which ASU was stationed as a temporary defence golem) rendered him and the camp's populous compromised. After extensive damage, ASU entered a state of hibernation. ASU was repaired and recovered by an Uberscaag Artificer by the name of Damien. ASU now follows the group acting still on his command to 'Defend' to this day.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Body Structure: ASU chassis are constructed with prominent legs and small torsos compared to human standards. This particular model boasts a second camera array positioned above the right shoulder. Its left arm is positioned on a 180° slider as is common for some shield arms. This model's shield is hard-pointed to its left arm thus the model is not in possession of a left hand. This model is fitted with a combustion reactor located in its core, said reactor is accessible through a small hatch in the chest and often needs to be re-filled with combustible substances.

Body Features

Paint Scheme: This model is painted a standard grey (a common colour for simple warforged). The grey is split up with a few simple white lines positioned along the model's tower shield and left leg. These lines are likely nothing more than a simple bit of warpaint. This model also boasts an orange headpiece, this is surprisingly unique for an ASU model and the reasoning behind said colouration is unknown. It is to be noted the paint on this model has suffered extreme ware. It is chipped in multiple places and rust shows through the crevises.

Facial Features

Auspex Configuration: On ASU's main camera array features two lensed auspex (the left one larger than that of the right). The lenses usually take on a green tint though it has been noted that when this model activates its OAP (Overclocked Assult Protocol) it's lense tint rapidly changes to that of red. Its shield and secondary camera array feature standard black lens tints on their auspex, no change occurs when OAP is active.

Identifying Characteristics

Armour Plate Configuration: This model features a commonplace composite plating, said composite plating has a metallic finish and (its outer layer at least) seems to be able to experience corrosion similar to that of steel. This model seems to have more heavily uparmoured legs than the rest of its body. This is a design feature of many ASU models as their grand stature means the legs are the most common struck component when in melee.

Physical quirks

Stature: ASU models are exceedingly tall in comparison to other warforged models. There are two reasons for this choice. 1: this model is designed to fight in a variety of scenarios against a variety of enemy types. It is necessary for the unit to be able to fight other creatures of similar stature. 2: Hight advantage in melee scenarios seems to be a useful feature when it comes to overcoming and dominating your enemy. Thus the model is built significantly larger than average.

Special abilities

Unique Drivers: ASU features an OAP (Overclocked Assult Protocol) allowing him to temporarily overclock his systems. Though most models would be capable of systems overclocking the OAP allows ASU to perform it without the assistance of an artificer. The OAP monitors and regulates the running temperature of ASU for him while he overclocks. It is noted ASU can not overclock for extended periods of time or an overheat is inevitable.

Apparel & Accessories

Weapons: This model came equipped with a standard polehammer for the ASU model. Said hammer features a large straight wooden shaft equipped with a heavy rectangular steel head designed to shatter and flatten enemy tissue and armour. ASU's new hammer is uncommon amongst Uberscaag's forces. It features a long straight shaft of dull grey metal that appears to be resistant to warping. Its head seems to be made of a brown stone that looks like it should crumble under the pressures ASU puts it under but it doesn't. Overall ASU's new hammer stands to about 10-11ft which is a significant increase in size from his 9ft one. ASU is also equipped with a mounted tower shield. The tower shield appears to be constructed of a similar composite material to that of ASU's armour plate but much thicker. It can be said that ASU's shield takes up a significant proportion of the weight of ASU. It also has the unique quirk of being able to be positioned on ASU's back and front due to the 180° slider.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is likely ASU was forged in the Duard Mountains like most ASU models. ASU was sent as a heavy support unit for military exploration, colonisation and where needed suppression of the local wildlife and tribespeople in the 'New World'. In the year 369 AS (February 4th), an assault on camp B482 (a camp in which ASU was stationed as a temporary defence golem) rendered him and the camp's populous compromised. After extensive damage, ASU entered a state of hibernation. ASU was repaired and recovered by an Uberscaag Artificer by the name of Damien. ASU now follows the group acting still on his command to 'Defend' to this day.

Gender Identity

Neither does ASU align with any gender. However, I believe he is generally associated as male by the group. He does seem to express more quality of the common man than the common female.


As most warforged are constructed, ASU has no sexual agender.


ASU was likely programmed and trained in the vicinity of Duard Mountains by an appointed artificer. ASU has been trained in combat however common knowledge is somewhat lacking. It is not deemed necessary for basic warforged like ASU to be programmed in knowledge outside their intended purpose.


ASU is not employed.

Accomplishments & Achievements

ASU seems to keep no record of achievements. The party is aware of ASU successfully obliterating a good few opponents in combat, however.

Failures & Embarrassments

ASU also does not keep a record of embarrassments however ASU is very aware of his past failures. ASU is coming to the realisation that trees of particular roundness seem to be on a 'no consumption' allowance due to several complaints after he attempted to uproot a memorial tree.

Mental Trauma

ASU has been experiencing many traumatic episodes as of recently. It is to be noted that ASU is a significantly older model however the fact that his memory unit appears to be replaced by a large brown bolder is mildly worrying.

Intellectual Characteristics

ASU is prone to misunderstanding, as a warforged designed solely to fight for Uberscaag he often fails to understand the simplest knowledge by human standards. He is, however, knowledgeable on his main field, hitting things, and making sure they don't get back up.

Morality & Philosophy

ASU is bound by no morals instead he is bound by orders. ASU struggles to break commands given to him. That being said he will only perform your command as to how he perceives it.


ASU responds violently to attacks against other members of the party. His command to 'Defend' will not be broken unless instructed otherwise.

Personality Characteristics


ASU is motivated to do only as he is told. Uberscaag would make warforged like this deliberately to avoid rebellion.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

ASU seems to suffer from a short attention span. He will listen to you if you directly communicate to him but he will often become distracted if he is not being directly involved. He also seems to struggle to understand human nature.

Likes & Dislikes

Warforged are not associated with feelings of liking and disliking but ASU (being an older model) has seemed to develop some. ASU seems to like companionship and acceptance. He seems to experience something similar to enjoyment when he is with his spider and 'ogre friend'. He has also taken quite a liking to this 'fruit' that seems to be all over Imeria.

Virtues & Personality perks

ASU is quite capable of performing tasks for which he was designed. He seems very capable of destroying anything that poses a threat to the party.

Vices & Personality flaws

ASU struggles with many tasks. He seems to be inept at stealth, manners, communication, among many things. Despite this ASU is always trying his hardest to do whatever task he is asked.


ASU seems to be in very poor condition. His paint is chipped in many palaces and rust leeks from his crevises. If you are to inspect his internals the runes which drive him seem to glow duller then that of a new model. It can be said that ASU is need of some significant repairs if not a replacement with a newer unit.


Contacts & Relations

Members of 3rd Batallion and 2nd Warrior Golem Detachment. ASU's 'Ogre Friend' Members of the party Artificer Damien

Family Ties

ASU does not remember his precise builders and programmers.

Religious Views

ASU simply believes that the will of his highers and masters should be done. I do not believe ASU has even considered why things are the way they are.

Social Aptitude

ASU would not be described as the 'social type' in fact he is quite a retard when it comes to socialising. Thankfully due to ASU's encounter with his 'Ogre Friend' he has at least somewhat learnt the concept of trade.

Hobbies & Pets

ASU possesses no real hobbies but he does somewhat have a pet. He has been harbouring a small spider-like mechanical entity which may or may not be considered his pet.


ASU's only means of communication is through WICP which results in the only party member he can communicate to being Lukas and even that means of communication is kinda shoddy.

Wealth & Financial state

ASU is not accustomed to the use of money, in fact, as of presently he has been mistaking common money pouches as 'fruit'.
Current Location
L4325433, B223N356E, D437
View Character Profile
Lawful Nutral
Estimated Age: 45
Date of Birth
Likely forged in the Duard Mountains
Current Residence
Lense Tint: Green / Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paint Scheme: Gray with White Striping and Orange Head
Quotes & Catchphrases
Due to ASU's condition, it seems the only remarkable quote of his would be 'BEEEEEP'.
Known Languages
As most older warforged models ASU communicates through nothing but WICP (Warmachine Inter Communication Protocol). It is all that was required for those designed only to fight.

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