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Tancock Donaldus

Tancock Donaldus

A Bretany-born man, Tancock is a town guardsman working for the Freeport garrison, a job he's only been working at for a year or so.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standing at 5 feet and 8 inches, Tancock stands under-average in height, something he has received many a mocking for. what he lacks in height, however, he makes up for in strength, and is able to carry heavy objects over a good distance.

Physical quirks

Tancock has a scar on his palm where he got stabbed through the hand with a knife by a psychotic barmaid.

Apparel & Accessories

Tancock defaults to either his standard guardsman armour or some generic commoner's clothes. He has a ring on his right middle finger that was given to him by his best friend back in Tugard. He has never taken it off since to remember her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tancock was born in a little town the coast of Bretany as an only child to his father, Gordon, a military man and his mother, Lisa, a wizard's assistant. He spent much of his early life balancing the crafts of both his parents. He would always be found either at the garrison practicing different weapons, or at the library with his nose in books. He loved his parents, his parents loved him, and his life was, for the most part, peaceful and happy. His happy childhood was not to last, however. He began noticing little things, thing that, in hindsight, made the picture more clear. What began with minor nitpicks at the table, disagreements over which cuboard the plates went in, and the like, slowly grew in intensity until he was stuck in his room, sometimes for hours, crying silently as shouting made its was though the blankets. Eventually, something changed, and the shouting stopped. What caused it was hardly for him to say, but whatever it was lead to his father grabbing him and his teddy in the middle of the night after and taking him down to the harbour. It was there where they got on a boat and begn sailing to a place on the other side of the world, what his father told him would be their new home, where "he would be safe."   Tancock spent his teenage years becoming more knowledgable in strategy and weapons, his father now having a stronger influence on him than before. He tried to keep the balance that he had kept before when he was younger, at one point even signing up for a place at a wizarding school. However, he found it far more stressful than the barracks, as the magical texts always reminded him of his mother, and the shouting and anger that had taken up his memories of her. This lead to his underperformance comapred to the other students, and he was mocked for it relentlessly. To top it off, his teacher, Sir Fonzor, was not light in the use of his raised voice and profanity. Tancock was eventually expelled after he attacked Fonzor in a fit of rage.   With his fate as a guardsman sealed, he began to seperate himself from the world of magic, so to not bring back the trauma that it brought. He found the guard to be a much more welcoming environment, and he quickly made friends with people, including one Jeremy Magner, who became his closest friend. If you'd asked him his favourite day in recent memory, he'd tell you that it was the day where he first signed up and was able to go on patrol with Jeremy, and being paid for it.   It was not all flowers and berries for him at home, unfortunately. His father had become increasingly distant, often in the attic, staring out of the window, or standing at the gates, looking out into the grassy landscapes outside the walls. When it came to the day of his retirement, Tancock was somewhat unsurprised when he was told that "The house is yours, son." He watched his father leave, out of the gates and into the forests of Imeria. After a year of no one seeing him, Tancock has a feeling that he might not be coming back, the only thing left of him being the rose he left in the plant pot that still lives on today.   Tancock has spent the last year mostly alone, writing out little stories on pieces of paper or reading books, among other things. He often wonders what would've happened if he'd stayed in that little town the coast of Bretany with his mother, or if he'd been able to get over his anxiety and get a place in the wizard school, or any number of other scenarios that could've changed his life. He knows that it'd probably be better to actually go out with the guys for some ale at the Leaky Cauldron, or if he talked to someone about his trauma, but he never seems to have the courage to tell anyone about it.

Gender Identity

Tancock is male.




With his mother being a wizard's assistant, he is well rehearsed in Common and has read well over 50 books.


Tancock works under the Freeport garrison. He's also technically works for a soup kitchen.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tancock is proud of the fact that he was able to even enter Wizarding School, even if he was only there for a couple weeks. He's especially proud of when he was able to beat Duncan Freston in a fist fight during guard training.

Failures & Embarrassments

Tancock is embarrased by almost every social situation he's ever had to deal with.

Mental Trauma

Whilst not overwhelming or personality changing, Tancock does suffer mild trauma from his childhood. Before him and his father left for Freeport, his parents were in a constant mental struggle that overlapped with reality, quickly leading to bouts of shouting and anger across the house. Though largely suppressed, those memories still occasionally come back to haunt him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tancock, whilst well educated, was never given the proper time to develop proper social skills, and thus suffers in situations that require talking to any other person besides those he knows.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes that bringing innocent people harm is wrong and unforgivable, and that instead they should be protected by those able to defend themselves.


Tancock generally tries to be open with people around him with varying success, but when the subject of family is brought up, he usually becomes quiet and either tries to divert the subject away or waits until it changes naturally before continuing to talk.

Personality Characteristics


Tancock is motivated to help those who cannot defend themselves, and also hopes to someday find someone who he can spend his life with.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Tancock struggles with social situations in general, something that can be seen just by being in his presence

Likes & Dislikes

Tancock likes reading and talking with his friends.


Tancock tends to keep clean, though when it comes to maintenance of his house he doesn't do such a good job.


Contacts & Relations

The party Jeremy Filevandreal

Family Ties

Tancock hasn't spoken to or seen his mother for well over 8 years, and hasn't seen his dad in over a year.

Religious Views

Tancock doesn't believe in the Gods, however after being forced to become the champion of an Arch-fey he isn't sure how to feel about the whole ordeal.

Social Aptitude

Tancock has the social skills of a watermelon.

Hobbies & Pets

when he gets the chance, he likes to play chess with his friend Jeremy, and likes to take walks in the woods, though he's fallen off the latter as of late.


Tancock is able to speak perfectly clear to people who he knows and trusts, however he often stumbles over his words

Wealth & Financial state

Tanock is very conservative with his money, and thus has a good amount of money in storage.

A town guard who's been rudely thrown into the world of magic and adventure.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good (?)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Private Donaldus
Date of Birth
1549 YW
Tugard, a Bretannian coastal town
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
5 ft 8 inches
140 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Tancock is too socially inept and no-where near cool enough to have a catchphrase.
Known Languages
He speaks Common, and also has a rough understanding of Dwarvish.

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