Lizard-folk Genocide Military Conflict in Immelion | World Anvil
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Lizard-folk Genocide

Starting on the 20th day of Onatrus in the year 3017 1E, the Yuanti led by Malakar struck out against the storehouses of Miklau, starting the Demon Wars and indeed a genocide against the Lizard-folk as a species that they would never fully recover from.   At the start of the Demon Wars they were the primary species targeted by the Yuanti, but were eventually overwhelmed and scattered to the far reaches of Immelion as refugees throughout the wars. Those that stayed behind to fight, live, or just try to survive under the rule of the Yuanti, were systematically erased from existence. Over the next decade, the Lizard-Folk were mostly exterminated from their homelands, and very few survived long as diaspora out in the rest of the continent.

The Conflict


Most Lizard-folk were scattered about the continent, or murdered in their homelands.


It was a nearly fatal blow to the Lizard-folk as a species.

Historical Significance


Even a thousand years later they had not recovered to the size and power they were at the Sacking of Miklau.
Start Date
20/9 3017 2E
Ending Date
3029 2E


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