Werebat Ethnicity in Immelion | World Anvil
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A Werebat is a specific type of Were-Folk that changes into a bat. Almost all members of this species are native member, as werebats ten to swarm their victims and leave few alive enough for the lycanthropy to take hold.   Werebats are one of the most feared types of Were-folk. They are as numerous and gregarious as wererats, but are much more open and aggressive. They are sometimes mistaken for vampires; some werebats are affronted by this and make a point of opposing vampires (with mixed results).   In their humanoid form, werebats resemble normal members of their race, but tend to have dark hair and severe features. They are usually thin, of above average height but significantly below average weight. Many have poor vision, but make up for it with keen hearing and a good sense of smell.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

All werebat names are unisex, but have high-pitched vowels, hard consonants, and tend to be two or three syllables.

Family names

Tend to be one syllable with an "ee" sound, or other high pitched sound as a vowel.
Encompassed species


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