The continent known as Imminar is a vastly diverse place that many find difficult to traverse. As many adventures try to travel to the different kingdoms across the continent, many are found in the face of death before they could make it to their destination. As the world grew older, the people of Imminar grew wiser and have established travel using the natural habitants of Imminar and it's different regions, this includes traveling by birds, horses, and stretching to even Giant Geckos. Of course this is a privilege for those who are wealthy or worthy enough to use or purchase these animals, who then have the ability to see Imminar for the amazing continent she is.
Different regions occupy Imminar some more dangerous than others. As we move into an age where the people of Imminar are beginning to document this world, many are traveling to discover and document Imminar to provide knowledge to their respective kingdoms. Hoping to find artifacts or locations that provide cultural or science advancements to their home. This Global event has been titled "Tarlov" which came to mean "the race for knowledge". This event has been ongoing for many centuries with many of the kingdoms settling for what they have been able to obtain but some say that the Tarlov is never over and there are powerful artifacts and sacred regions people have yet to discover.
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern
5 Hooligans on an adventure to look for gold and knowledge