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Starting Character

Step One: Choose a class.     Step two: Decide which skill packages to get in that class, and note the name and attribute modifiers (I.e. If you get Lesser merchant with Finance ant IQ+1. note in your skill section "Finance IQ+1" and so on for all your skills.)
If you have more than one skill package that affects the same skill, add them together, So Finance Q+1, and another Finance IQ+1, would become Finance IQ+2.   Once you have chosen your skill packages, choose which of the following two attribute sets you want. you can assign them however you want among your four major attributes (ST: Strength, DX: Dexterity, IQ: Intelligence, and HT: Health)

  Option 1: 10,10,10,10
Option 2: 12,11,9,7   Step 3: Once you have decided your Attributes, you can then modify your skills to match (I.E. If you have Finance IQ+2, and you decided to put an 10 in your IQ, you can represent that as Finance 13. In the gurps Character sheet there are two sections next to skills, "level" and "relative level".
So for the above example of finance IQ+2, the IQ+2 would go under level, and the 13 would go under relative level.     Step 4: Starting Character Bonuses.
Depending on your Class you will get various Starting bonuses, some classes get Spells, some get Mana, some get Status. Most of those go under advantages and perks. and I would recommend writing a brief 1 or 2 line summary of what it does underneath.
All classes Get Character points though. Those can be spent buying spells from the classes spell list, or any of the class abilities.
You can also bolster your major and minor attributes with them, or your skills.
For character creation I am limiting what you can do with character points to bolstering The skills you have from your skill packages, bolstering your major and minor attributes, and buying the abilities of your class. As we progress in the game and you learn more about the system we can expand that.

The cost of everything listed on the above character sheet in Red.
There are also ways to get more points for customization and flair called disadvantages. And I will work with you to find appropriate disadvantages that fit your backstory if you want them.     IN this game I am allowing no more than 5 character points to be saved for use to spend in game as we play.
    You also Get 4 languages you start of knowing, representing your time traveling, exploring, studying, etc. You are immortal you picked up a few things, maybe even were present during the creation of a language.
One language Is Native, you speak and read it effortlessly
Two languages are accented, you speak with a heavy accent, and misspell or use improper grammer often, but you can still communicate effe

You also Get 4 languages you start of knowing, representing your time traveling, exploring, studying, etc. You are immortal you picked up a few things, maybe even were present during the creation of a language.
One language Is Native, you speak and read it effortlessly
Two languages are accented, you speak with a heavy accent, and misspell or use improper grammar often, but you can still communicate effectively
one language you know at broken; you cannot read or write in the language, and can understand and convey the basics.
    The Languages are:
English, French, Slavic, German, Italian, Latin, African, Semetic, Chinese, Norse, And Hindi.
  we are grouping languages with roots, and I am using these terms to represent them instead of "italic Romance" or "Indic INdo-Aryan". I.E. If you know Chinese, y0u can communicate with Japanese, and Koreans.
If you KNow African, you can communicate with Egyptian, Nigerian, etc.

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