"The Book"

The three major monotheistic religions don’t exactly share a precise text, but they do have the same prophets and very similar versions of the stories. Together this overlap is referred to as "The Book", as in the term "the religions of the Book", since each of the religious does also have its own book, which contains the major canonically accepted texts of the religion. The text of the Andorians is in some way the most controversial, because much of it incorporates letters from one of the disciples of a prophet (the one who essentially popularized the religion). The Andorian and Sundac texts of the early prophets are very similar, though many of the rules stated in the Sundac texts are no longer adhered to or are mentioned in the Andorian texts with the addendum of “but since the revelation of God, we need no longer keep to this”.   The somewhat vague and ambiguous language, as well as the complications of translation, have probably contributed significantly to the differences between the texts of the three religions. Mistranslations and different interpretations are partly also considered the explanation of how the texts can simultaneously be the word of God and yet different. Another explanation of this is that most of the texts are not assumed to be written by the prophets themselves and therefore the writer is held to blame, for only the prophet received the words directly from God.
Text, Religious

Cover image: by M.S.E. Bente/Menatith


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