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WARNING: This world is very dark and revolves around the themes of suicide, depression, together with written and sometimes visual gore. Proceed at your own risks.
  One day, Death got bored and left. And people stopped dying. It looked like a boon at first, it really was. Nobody lost their loved ones to incurable diseases or dramatic accident anymore. Until they realized that only death was taken away, not suffering. Broken necks did not reattach themselves, gunshot wounds did not close miraculously and dead tissue would still decompose.   While the people could not embrace the sweet kiss of death, their bodies were unable to escape the flow of time. After some time, the eldest ones began to rot in place, all their biological functions failing, all they had left was pain. In the following collapse, people began to go to insane length to end their own lives, every attempt failing gruesomely.   Doctors are working toward a medicine against life. Believers pray noone else than Death. People immolate themselves in the street. This is a world full of immortals.