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Hendrik Vicente Bhenar

Hendrik Vicente Bhenar

Despite being born the second son, Hendrik is effectively his father's eldest, and so is set to inherit house Bhenar's title of Baron. Like most of his family, he has a controlled form of lycanthopy attributed to the house sharing blood with the lesser deity Malar. However, while they heavily rely on their "gift", the family, including himself, are bloodhunters that follow the Order of the Mutant. Coddled most of his life by his overprotective mother, and snapped unceremoniously into reality by his father, Hendrik finds himself an anxious young man. He is also blunt, and occasionally strangely confident, but tries his best to do the right thing - "right" being in the laws of whatever nation he is in and in the doctrine of his god Torm. His goal is to complete his Rite of Vows and secure his inheritance, and to prove to himself that he is stronger than he believes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hendrik is quite short, even by his family's standards, and of pretty average weight despite eating enough for a man twice his size. He has a good amount of muscle definition on him; he's not on the level of a body builder, but it is clear that he is fairly athletic and stronger than the common person.
When he transforms, he grows a foot taller, and appears a bit bulkier. Generally, his body stays proportionally the same (and does not grow a tail).

Body Features

Unsurprisingly for a man with lycanthropy, Hendrik has quite a bit of body hair. However, he isn't a fan of how he looks with a beard, and attempts to keep a clean shaven face at all times. His canines are also slightly sharper than normal, which also makes sense given his affliction. Despite his age, he has quite a few scars on him, mainly due to training incidents as he was growing up.
When he transforms, his thick black fur covers his scars, except for the ones that from grievous injuries, such as the one right above his heart and the one on his cheek.

Facial Features

Hendrik has gentle facial features. His oval shaped face is framed by slightly messy yet decently styled medium hair. Though his face doesn't often give away his emotions, his soft eyes easily do. The bridge of his nose looks slightly askew after taking one too many punches to it in fights with his younger brother, Rodrick. A scar from a swordfighting incident sits on his left cheek, spanning from just below his eye to the point of his cheek just beneath his ear.

Identifying Characteristics

He has quite a few scars on him, the most noticeable being the one on his cheek and the most striking being the one above his heart. His hands have many small scars from being cut for hemomancy, his arms bear a few scars from the puncture wounds of boar tusks, and his back has a jagged scar from landing on sharp rock after falling off his startled horse.

Special abilities

For up to an hour each day, Hendrik can transform into his werewolf form. He is still himself, though he tends to lose his inhibitions and becomes much more impulsive.

Apparel & Accessories

While adventuring, Hendrik dons well-crafted, dark studded leather made from thick monster hides and emblazoned with his house crest on the upper right forearm.
When more relaxed, he often wears a leather doublet with loose trousers. He prefers the cloth sleeves of the doublet to have bold colors, especially favoring red, that he often contrasts with the dark leather of the jerkin portion of the doublet. He tends to keep flowers stuffed in his pockets to ensure he smells nice.
Whether adventuring or relaxed, he keeps a red bandana around his neck, mainly to use when smells get too overwhelming for him. He also always wears the same pair of short leather boots. Hidden beneath his shirt is a golden necklace that was gifted to him by his mother. Hanging from the chain is a pendant in the shape of a wolf head, its eyes made with sapphires - a gift originally given to his mother by his father when they were a few weeks from being wed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For nearly his entire life, Hendrik has been coddled and spoiled by his family. They didn't just want but rather needed him to succeed, especially at his rites, and so they focused all their effort on making it easy for him to do so. He got a majority of his family's attention, especially his mother's. All the cosseting made it difficult for Hendrik to handle not getting his way. The problem is, the world does not revolve around him.
After his mother's death, most of the pampering abruptly ended. His father very bluntly snapped him to reality, and all the information that had been hidden from him by his mother came to light. The news left him scared and anxious of the world. He remained spoiled by his family, but it felt as if his father cut him off cold turkey. The love remained, but his father seemed to make it his personal duty to show Hendrik just how harsh the world would be to a soft young man.
Nowadays, he's still stubborn and sulks when he doesn't get his way. He finds himself constantly overwhelmed, fearing whatever is around the next corner. With his final rite needing completion, he finds himself more stressed than ever as he fights to prove himself, lest all his family's efforts in training him for his lordship proves to be all for naught

Gender Identity

He identifies as male


Despite what his cousins think, he's straight


Hendrik was personally taught by various members of his family and the best tutors they could hire. Tutors handled teaching him the history of the world, Draconic, and general studies like arithmetic. When he was much younger, he also had a sword-fighting instructor. However, after a training incident when he was ten years old, his instructor was excused from his service with the family. From then on, his father personally taught him how to handle a crossbow and other ranged weaponry, focusing on using such things in melee combat.
His father also taught him about politics and how to handle himself in a noble court. His mother taught him how to conduct himself around nobility in general, with his aunt Yadira picking up the slack as best she could after Hendrik's mother passed. His father's cousin Godric taught him to make potions and craft mutagens; his aunt Lynette taught him about how to track and kill a multitude of monsters; his uncle Ferdinand taught him how the economics of their region worked; his grandfather taught him how to train and ride a horse; and, his great aunt Elvira taught him all about plants, especially the more poisonous variety.
His education was well-rounded and fitting for a young noble. He was spoiled by the wealth of experience present in his family members, and by his father willing to spare no expense to provide him with the best education possible.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Accidentally completed his Rite of Beasts when he was 8 years old (commonly completed when family members are between 12 and 14). He did so when he came across werewolf tracks on a day he was honing his tracking skills. He lead the family members accompanying him to the source of the tracks, a hut hidden deep in the woods, and had the monster slain. In doing so, it was determined he successfully led a hunt and therefore passed his first rite.
  • Completed his Rite of Blood when he was 12
  • Completed his Rite of Restraint at 18 (not that he had a choice to be fully "gifted" with lycanthropy)

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Gave up on fighting with melee weapons after a training incident left him with a scar on his face when he was 10 years old
  • Barely managed to earn a middling spot in his family's ranking when he fought for his place a couple months after he turned 18

Personality Characteristics


Hendrik wants to prove to his family and himself that he is capable of being a strong, capable, independent man that will one day make a fine lord.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Hendrik is skilled with his crossbow, even at a close range. He's quite dexterous, making him pretty good at dodging blows and fairly decent at dancing. He is also very perceptive, insightful, and empathetic. His tracking skills are excellent, aided by a catalog of smells he has in his mind and just years of training from his family. His memory is generally better than most. He can usually go toe to toe with others in arguments, especially in political ones. But what he is best at is finding loopholes in his own strict beliefs to convince himself that things that feel wrong are perfectly acceptable so long as he doesn't do x, y, or z or he has some kind of hard limit.   However, he is terrible at talking with others. He overshares information, stutters and stumbles over his words, can't lie well, and can't persuade others to listen to him. He focuses so much on taking his time to make the best decision that he falters when he needs to be more decisive. He is also incredibly stubborn, unwilling to back down when his beliefs are brought into question.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Ambition
  • Appreciation
  • Authenticity
  • Caring
  • Cleanliness
  • Commitment
  • Compassion
  • Courtesy
  • Determination
  • Devotion
  • Dignity
  • Diligence
  • Empathy
  • Faith
  • Fidelity
  • Gratitude
  • Honesty
  • Honor
  • Integrity
  • Love
  • Loyalty
  • Patience
  • Perceptiveness
  • Purposefulness
  • Resilience
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Righteousness
  • Sincerity
  • Understanding

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Aggression
  • Arrogance
  • Bias
  • Bigotry
  • Condescension
  • Cowardice
  • Depressive
  • Doubt
  • Fearfulness
  • Glumness
  • Gluttony
  • Gossip
  • Loose-lipped
  • Lust
  • Melancholic
  • Obduracy
  • Over-sensitive
  • Prejudice
  • Pretentiousness
  • Rudeness
  • Self-pity
  • Snobbishness
  • Stingy
  • Stubbornness
  • Sulkiness
  • Sullenness


Hendrik's sensitive sense of smell drives him to always make sure he is properly clean. He bathes as often as he can, brushes his teeth twice a day, and even keeps flowers in his pockets to help ward off body odors. He also makes sure to air out his armor every night so the leather doesn't reek.


Religious Views

Hendrik worships and reveres Torm, but does pay his respects to Malar when appropriate.

Social Aptitude

None in the general sense, especially seeing as he overshares. He does know how to handle himself well in a noble court.


When speaking Terran, he can be well-spoken and careful in his words. His Draconic can be a bit clumsy, but still nearly as well-spoken. His Common, however, is abysmal. He is constantly tripping over his words and getting phrases wrong, much to his own annoyance.

Anxious, blunt, and occasionally strangely confident.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good/Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Heir to a Baron title in Thrakia
Date of Birth
16th of QuadDecem, 7754
Kingdom of Thrakia, Kendar
Light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned
5' 4"
130 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Just so you know, I'm engaged." "Common is my second language!"
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, High Terran (and so also Aquan/Auran/Ignan/Primordial)

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