Travel Times


  • The average long-distance ship travels 1,100 km/day
  • A basic trail horse can travel 50 miles in a day on even terrain unburdened, but then will need a full rest.
  • A basic human can travel 15 miles in a day on even terrain unburdened, but then will need a full rest.
  • Gendo Desert (miles)

    Greydrift Aihawiw/Aihawiw Kash The Great Tower
    Greydrift 84 791
    Aihawiw/Aihawiw Kash 84 970
    The Great Tower 791 970

    Intercontinental Ship Travel

    Gakus Aũ Bo Carcannet
    Aũ Bo 6 weeks 9 weeks
    Carcannet 2 weeks 9 weeks

    Cover image: by Paige Ghra


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