The Virgin and Child

The Virgin and Child is a painting done by the renowned Friserian painter, Jan van Eyck. Commissioned by King George Gryf of Kashebe in 234 SOL  to mark his decade-long reign on the Kashikian throne, the painting has an interesting history and impact on the Kingdom of Kashebe.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Van Eyck employed highly realistic techniques, such as the depiction of Diane’s gown with gradations of light and shadow. He also made use of a mirror to capture the reflection of light on Diane’s face and hands, which is a remarkable feat for that time. The Virgin and Child painting has details that are true to life and exhibit an enviable level of mastery in its composition.


The painting, with the Virgin Diane at the center and the baby Aether on her lap, was meant to bring more prominence to Kashebe and encourage the people of the kingdom to turn to Aetherianity. It was also intended to establish a God-ordained kingdom, as King George Gryf was a recent Aetherian convert, while the Gryf dynasty was predominantly Gryffite. However, it had an opposite effect as only two years later, in 236 SOL, King George I "The Aetherian" Gryf was deposed in favor of his twin brother, Barnim VI Gryf. Despite this, the painting has survived and is kept in the "Royal Kashikian Museum of Art" as a glimpse into one of Kashebe's shortest yet impactful times in its history.

The painting's impact on Kashebe and its people might not have been what King George Gryf had intended, but its significance transcends geographic boundaries. The Virgin and Child is now celebrated as a hallmark of the late Medieval period and early Renaissance era, demonstrating the shift in artistic trends of the era. Its exceptional technique, realistic portrayal of Diane, and the beautiful colors make it an artistic marvel.


The Virgin and Child by Jan van Eyck is a significant work of art that marks the transition from the Medieval period to the Renaissance era. It is believed to be one of the most sophisticated oil paintings from Werenk’s art history, as the vivid colors and intricate details on the painting are exceptional. The use of oil paint by van Eyck revolutionized the approach to painting and brought about a new level of realism that was hither to unseen.
Item type
Creation Date
12 Grifini 236 SOL
5′ 6″ x 3′ 8″
Base Price
$150m-200m Goldmarks


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