Geography :

JXMA18Z was once a Death World, a jungle-covered moon of the baleful green gas giant JXMA18. JXMA18Z was a dense, wet planet, filled with carnivorous vegetation and giant mammalian predators. JXMA18Z has been leveled by the Adeptus Mechanicus: currently only 15% of the world is still the original jungle terrain. The rest is scarred, glassified wasteland, dotted with the manufactorums of the Mechanicus and the temples to the Omnissiah. JXMA18Z was one large supercontinent, surrounded by an island dotted vivid pink ocean, the water level of which is slowly dropping as it is used for manufacturing and processing.  

History :

JXMA18Z was charted and logged by an Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Fleet that swept this part of the Zweihans Grouping in the dim prehistory of the Calyx Expanse. More in-depth study after the formation of the sector showed JXMA18Z to be a natural storehouse for rare metal ores vital in the production of cogitator circuits and databoards. The techpriests of Synford II lobbied hard for access to JXMA18Z, which was eventually granted after the agreement of secret pacts and clauses between the Malfians and the Mechanicus. An fleet was dispatched that settled in orbit around the jungle moon, using orbital weapons to mark out blasted open areas in the jungle to land their great conveyor ships. The concerted effort of several legions of Skitarii from Synford II as well as allied mercenary forces have so far cleared much of JXMA18Z 's dense vegetation and natural predators from the bulk of the world. Serf workers from Synford II have been transported over to begin the work of constructing opencast mines and large multi-level manufactorums to accelerate JXMA18Z 's output of cogitators.  

Present :

The goal of the Adeptus Mechanicus is to transform JXMA18Z into a Forge World primarily focused on producing cogitators: the store of available rare metals here is large , and only a little needs to be imported from Synford II and other subsector Mining Worlds to make the venture productive. Ultra Factorum, as JXMA18Z's supercontinent is known by the Mechanicus, is half barren rock, covered in production lines, dirt heaps, and mineshafts; the other half is as yet uncultivated wasteland . Mechanicus skitarii are often busy skirmishing with megafauna mammalian s i mian predators that come hurtling from the jungle. The Adeptus Mechanicus is slowly winning its war to tame the Death World, conducting its campaigns against living life in a slow, comprehensively brutal fashion. The directive of the Adeptus Mechanicus is that JXMA18Z reaches a perfect planetary state not unlike Synford II, with organic life stripped away and every available resource, even down to the air and water, strategically re-deployed.
Classification : Forge World   Planetary Governor : Fabricator Locum Yiannus Glen, Adeptus Mechanicus   Adeptus Presence : Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii   Planetary Exports : Finished cogitators   Planetary Imports : Heavy industrial machinery, raw materials, food   Military : Skitarii legions, Legio Cybernetica maniples
Planetoid / Moon


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