Papa Grist

Papa Grist is a figure of awe and fear among the criminals and scum of the Promenade of Arenas. He is garbed in tattered, ash-stained rags and isfestooned with broken and grisly trophies. It is said that men die at the snap of his fingers and his blind white eye is able to look into a man’s soul to see if he’s lying. Rumoured to born of a witch on the feral world of Iocanthos, Papa Grist is a crime lord with ties to the Cold Guild, whose connections touch a dozen worlds, and who currently dominates the high-stakes gambling operations that thrive during the Grand Carnival.   Grist is an off-world crime lord with connections to the Cold Trade, come to Quaddis at the time of the festival to profitfrom narcotics, forbidden goods, murder for hire, and other illicit activities. He and his operatives, up to recently, have been making a killing both in a literal and metaphoric sense running their operations, and come the Revel, he’s planning to be in secure lockdown with his money to ride out the worst. Grist serves both as chief information broker, dealer, and showman of the Wheel.   Aside from the supply of weapons, drugs, and gear, Grist’s other stock in trade is information. Grist knows a great deal of what has been going on in the city and will sell all for a price.


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