Pilgrims of Hayte

Cult Structure and Activity

  In structure, the Pilgrims of Hayte are considered the very epitome of what some theorists in the Holy Ordos refer to as a "cancer cult," which is introduced to a population or locale much like a disease and spreads from a single point of infection. The machinations of a False Prophet work to corrupt an ever-widening circle of victims and endanger the lives and souls of all those around them. The growth of the cult often follows a disease-like cycle as well -- first the infection, then a period of secrecy while the cult slowly grows in number and power analogous to an incubation period. Finally there is the terminal stage, as the cult, having reached a critical mass, runs rampant in a destructive frenzy.   The cult's structure, particularly in the early stages of the "infection," is centred entirely on its charismatic leader. These False Prophets often masquerade at first as genuine Imperial Cult pilgrims, travelling preachers, or even charitable worthies who gather the downtrodden to them. They secretly gain their first converts by appealing to those who feel betrayed or ignored by the local authorities and, in particular, the Adeptus Ministorum. With their first followers in hand, they coat their spiritual poison with honeyed words and false truths, dragging their victims down in a spiral toward damnation.   Once safely and secretly established in an area, they will found a cult cell, selecting new members from the dross of humanity and those already downtrodden or embittered, fanning the flames of their victims' hatred and preying on their grief and despair. Before their followers realise it, they have lost their souls to the cult's lies and, so damned, are plunged into a world of inhumanity, madness, and the worship of Chaos.   Once the cell is fully established and has achieved its own dreadful momentum, the False Prophet withdraws, sinking behind levels of secrecy while chosen converts continue to expand the cult by drawing new followers to the cause. Protected by this outer ring, the False Prophet directs matters from behind the scenes while he begins his true work -- the establishment of a temple to the Warp where he can work his sorceries and summon foul entities from beyond to do his bidding.   The False Prophet orchestrates this descent into madness, thriving off this destructive spiral of Chaos worship and channelling the cult's hatred and violence at targets of his choosing. It is then that the nightmare for the wider world begins in earnest. What may have been disquieting rumours and a rash of mysterious disappearances and suspicious events erupt into a campaign of terror the likes of which few can imagine.   Wanton slaughter, foul murder, and atrocities of every type imaginable are loosed on the world. Often suicidal attacks by insane cult zealots coincide with terrorist incidents and, worse still, the unleashing of daemonic forces against faith and state. Geared to cause indiscriminate carnage as well as destabilise any counter-attack by the planetary authorities, this storm of violence quickly becomes uncontrollable, even for the False Prophet at its centre. Like a pack of rabid beasts, the Pilgrims of Hayte savage and attack all they encounter. Now acting entirely on its own murderous drive to destroy and sow terror, the cult neither relents nor flees even if confronted with superior forces, and indeed will seemingly revel in its self-destruction, content to damage, terrify, and kill as much as it can before it is finally purged. It is at the end of this final explosion of carnage that, unless the Holy Ordos can find and kill the architect of this terror, the False Prophet will discard his insane and corrupted flock and slip away to begin the whole process again elsewhere.  

The False Prophets

  Though they may go by as many names, titles, and identities as suits them, "False Prophet" is indeed a most apt name for these arch-liars and bringers of strife. Each is a powerful and charismatic leader, a deceiver steeped in death and with the blood of multitudes on his hands. Each is a powerful Chaos Sorcerer who has at his disposal many dangerous secrets and the forbidden knowledge gleaned both from his own depraved crusades and the bartered utterances of daemons.   These faithless killers have no room in their hearts for anything other than bitterness and hatred for the lies that others call the truth, and while they are more than willing to give the daemon its due, they scorn the true worship of any Warp entity, no matter how powerful, as a god. They see the worship of such entities as only more layers of lies, albeit acknowledging that the Ruinous Powers are more generous masters than the "Corpse-Emperor." They instead embrace Chaos as a means to an end -- that end being the power to tear down the edifice of the Imperium. Reckless in the display of their powers, it is their particular wont to use the Warp to further corrupt and enslave their followers, simply for the sadistic pleasure of doing so. Woe betide any Imperial servant that falls into their malign clutches.   The False Prophets of the Pilgrims of Hayte are a terrible foe, and they have claimed the lives of several Inquisitors and thousands of Imperial servants in the past. Combating them is the sworn and absolute duty of the whole Ordos Calixis of the Inquisition. Although thankfully very few (the Ordo Malleus is currently tracking around 30, though this number is in dispute), the False Prophets seem to be slowly but steadily growing in number. While each seems to follow his own erratic and destructive path without plan or recourse to others of his kind, some at the highest circles of the Inquisition fear that there may be some single guiding hand behind all of them, some arch-diabolist whose ultimate plan has yet to see fruition.
Religious, Cult


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