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Basic Information


Height: 15 ft. - 20 ft.

Weight 1250 lbs. - 2000 lbs.

  Giants' legs are built like tree trunks, with little distinction at the knees and ankles.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy: 0-14 Months

Toddler Years: 14-48 Months

Childhood: 4-14 Years

Puberty: 14-16 Years

Older Adolecence: 16-20 Years

Adulthood: 20-55 Years

Middle Age: 55-65 Years

Senior Years: 65+ Years

Ecology and Habitats

They can survive in most lands hospitable to humans, but live best in temperate and boreal climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They have similar dietary needs to humans, with a much higher needed caloric intake due to their massive size.
Scientific Name
Truncus Pedes

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