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Photograph by Pablo Carlos Budassi, I do not own this artwork
Mathania is a terrestrial planet and the only planet within the Evlu Star System. Mathania is a Venusian world with a thick nitrogen, oxygen, methane, and sulfur atmosphere. Due to its proximity to its star, the planet has a greenhouse effect similar to Venus, creating a dangerous environment hostile to life. However, through terraforming and atmosphere converters, large sections of Mathania have been turned into livable areas with sprawling cities, the largest being Refuge City. Mathania lies near the border between the Solarian Federation and the Falmir Imperial Union, making it a prime location for former slaves of the Imperial Union seeking asylum. The planet's history has been shaped by former slaves and has resulted in a robust culture that values independence, opportunity, equality, and freedom of speech.


Mathania has a geography similar to Venus, being mostly flat with smooth, volcanic plains cratered by caldera and massive mountains. Although Mathania has no natural water, large dried-up lake beds and two ocean floors have been discovered on the planet. These ancient formations suggest that like many other Venusian planets, Mathania once had liquid water on its surface before it evaporated due to runaway greenhouse effects. Unlike other Venusian planets, however, Mathania's volcanos are either dormant or extinct.


Mathania has a planet-wide greenhouse effect that superheats its surface. The atmosphere of this greenhouse is mostly sulfur, nitrogen, and methane with massive bubbles of oxygen created by terraforming and atmosphere-converting technology. The atmosphere of Mathania is swelteringly hot, with metal slowly melting in a matter of two hours in unterraformed areas. The air pressure in the unterraformed areas is equivalent to being a kilometer deep in the oceans on Earth, causing anything within them not prepared to be crushed by the pressure. Mathania has an acidic weather cycle, although it does not rain very often and the rain can be turned back into normal freshwater with atmosphere converters. Planetology analysis shows that Mathania is, through sapient intervention and non-volcanism, slowly cooling down in temperature by 2% every 20 Earth years.


Mathania was, for most of its history, a barren planet ignored by civilization. It was first owned by the Falmir Imperial Union, being nothing more than simply another planet in their ever-expanding catalog of planets. Mathania was mainly used as a simple resource planet to be mined, with some minor Drahlo colonies within the safe upper atmosphere and many slave colonies of Humans, Brek, Bhosleth, and Drazieth. It wasn't until the Imperial Revolution in 3484 that Mathania gained any significance.
Star of Orbit
Evlu--yellow dwarf main-sequence star
Alternative Name(s)
The Planet of Broken Chains, Refuge
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species

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