Ra Di Gas Character in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil

Ra Di Gas

Born in the far-off land of Aborgoswan, Ra Di Gas did not fit well with his kinfolk and neighbors. But he did like to be in nature. However, his favorite nature setting was lost due to circumstances around the building of a dam, and this last straw caused him to abandon his home and travel far zway.   He lives in the wilderness near Fair Meadows and continues to hone his connection to nature. Finding himself proficient in magic, his spells tend to be skewed toward them, and he knows all elemental languages as well. He recently started specializing in water-oriented spells, as "water is the true flow of all life and natural phenomenon". He comes to town once in a while to keep up on local and other related knowledge, and to stock up on supplies.   Ra Di Gas is often seen with a wiley weasel, who he affectionately refers to as Pagos.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Taboos: doesn't drink or cut his hair. (If he does either of these, he loses his spells for the rest of the day.)
Draconian Kill Count: Uknown
Class: Wu Jen
Race: Human


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