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Nobody's Land

Nobody's Land consists of a large, aged gazebo made of marble and the surrounding grassy lawn around it.   Considered a neutral space by all fae to know about it, it is kept tidy and clear by old magic. It is a space where unaligned fae come to pay respects to higher powers, to celebrate, and to perform ceremonies without interruption or danger.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the gazebo is to be a neutral space for unaligned fae to perform rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations in regards to their beliefs. As most unaligned fae do not have special spaces for these events, it is common knowledge that the gazebo is a safe space.


Thanks to certain unaligned fae and their residing magic, the gazebo has stayed mostly the same since it was decided as the designated area for the neutral ground to be.


The gazebo is a very large raised dais made of marble, constructed to appear as an aged bandstand. Many cracks and dark veins run through the marble, which still appears oddly bright, and moss and ivy cover many sections of the detail work.


The fae to designate the area as neutral ground was an Unaligned by the name of Nobody, someone who is largely unknown and preferred to keep it that way.   Nobody announced that the land was for the unaligned, and was to be a place of ceremony for those who had no other place for it. The name "Nobody's Land" came about as a colloquial nickname, and many saw the irony for naming it their land considered what they had claimed it was.   One of the residing strains of magic that still looks after the gazebo is Nobody's work, and though no one has heard from Nobody for a long while the magic still remains.
Alternative Names
The Unkempt Dais, The Gazebo
Gazebo / Bandstand

Cover image: by Eberhard Grossgasteiger


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