The Eyrie Circle Ethnicity in In The Red and White Mansion | World Anvil
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The Eyrie Circle

Eyrie are territorial challengers, and often pick fights with others due to their centres of tenacity, determination, and challenge.


Culture and cultural heritage

While their centre is the ideals of tenacity and determination, Eyrie fae have a very war and fighting based culture, with most of their rites and rituals revolving around competing, challenging, and participating in some way.   Fights - both physical and verbal - break out often amongst Eyrie fae, but they retain a great amount of camaraderie towards each other as it is all in the name of determination and bettering themselves and others.

Shared customary codes and values

The Eyrie have a major shared ideal that the Circle itself is based on: the idea of tenacity and determination. Challenge is a large part of the culture amongst the Eyrie, and is a core tenant of Eyrie life.

Common Etiquette rules

To other fae the Eyrie can seem quite rude and arrogant, but that is just the nature of Eyrie fae amongst themselves. Bantering with and challenging each other, and considered respectful in a slightly backwards way, as it is seen that if you choose to challenge this person, it means you respect them enough to try and get them to better themselves towards their goal.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Eyrie Hunt is a rather large tradition amongst the Circle. It is an altered version of a regular Fae Hunt, where instead of hunting a single target as a group, this hunt is viewed as a free for all competition.   Eyrie challenging another court to a hunt can often be misinterpreted as an invitation to a fight, and there is a very fine line before it is considered an act of war.

Coming of Age Rites

Fae made or born into the Circle undergo the same traditions that new initiates undergo to earn a place in the Circle. There is no age limit, but fae too young to understand acceptance rites are considered to be Eyrie but outside of the Circle, even if the parent(s) are inside the Circle.   New fae to the Eyrie have to participate in an Eyrie hunt to be able to earn the right to join the Circle. The hunt may end successful or unsuccessful, as it is the process of fighting that allows acceptance into the Circle.

Common Taboos

While admitting failure is encouraged and accepted amongst the Eyrie, giving up without good reason is heavily discouraged and considered shameful. Those that give up without undue reason can be challenged to give up their place in the court by other members, both lower and higher ranked than the recipient of the challenge.   A lower ranked member, upon challenging a high ranked members decision to give up is seen as tenacious in its own right, although a higher rank will only be given upon a win of the challenge.   It is also a taboo to unduly challenge a fae who has not shown that they have given up, as it as seen as an underhanded cheat by a lower ranked challenger, and cruel by a higher ranked challenger.
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Cover image: by Eberhard Grossgasteiger


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