Acrosian Quince

Toothsome fruit with mysterious therapeutic properties

In all my days I have never tasted anything else quite like the Acrosian Quince. They are both bitter and sweet at once and their taste does not savour in abundance. In the marble halls of the Azoturian philosopher king I was served a pale wine of the Acrosian Quince, a vintage of exceptional quality. Unlike typical spirits the drink did not dull my senses and rather heightened them. I spent the night restless and when I did fall into slumber I experienced the most vivid and memorable dreams. I'm told these quinces are incredibly rare for they only grow within the mountain vale of Acros and for that reason the price they command is quite dear.
— Abner Dupree, Memories of Pachuco

The Acrosian Quince is a pome fruit variety unique to the Acros hills west of Azoturia. Nestled in the valley Gardens of Acros, the only known orchard of the Arosian Quince lies on the edge of the Deep Zone and all of the weird dangers that straddle that strange domain.

Basic Information


The Acrosian Quince is a leafing deciduous tree that bears oblong pear shaped fruits and blooms flowers of pale lavender. These trees grow to a height of 25 feet and width of 15 feet. The fruits are of a yellow colour and their flesh is hard and pulpy. This hardness combined with an acrid taste makes raw Acrosian Quince an unpalatable dish.  


The Acrosian Quince is known to grow only in the isolated plateau vale known as the Gardens of Acros. All attempts to cultivate seeds taken from the original orchard have failed and it is believed the quince fruit is somehow inextricably bonded to the land of Acros.  

Uses and Products

The quince fruit is prepared in a variety of Azoturian delicacies, particularly as a tart jelly confection. Aside from culinary use, Acrosian Quinces are used by the stewards of Azoturia's Marble Halls to vinify a treasured white wine that is renowned throughout Eldenterra.This drink is used by the Azoturian sages as a ceremonial libation, and it is said that quince wine awakens the spirit and opens the higher mind to enlightenment.   Recently, Alakai of Texidium has been offering significant sums for fresh Acrosian Quinces, which he uses in his alchemical experiments to prepare various reagents and tinctures. It is said that the quince is a key ingredient in Alakai's rejuvenating concoctions.
Scientific Name
Cydonia Acrosis


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