Renewal Station 5 Data Files
Electronic trove of Zone lore
Welcome to Renewal Station 5
This article records the information contained in Renewal Station 5's memory system.
There are a few potential files of interest stored in the system's database. These files, collectively referred to as the "Chronicles of Yildun," pertain to an exploratory journey through the Forbidden Zone made by the Seven Sentinels between the years 420 and 424 PCE. The files include brief explanations of some of the prominent locations explored by the Sentinels.
The significant headings are:
Phoenix Quest
Fenix Queste
Ali-Vox wandred the waystes of Eloy and ther met the aged man of nyght. Mi mayster axed hym for guidaunce and verray connyng of the Precoursour kyngdoms. The watchere of the wayste graythed hym wyth pleasaunce and that a fayre and spake wordes elde, tellyng hym of vii reaumes of auncyent lore. Vii seas, couthe to Precoursours as the hali sihtes of the Restowr Projecte, the laste bastiones of the highe techyngs and the foryeten past. From hys silverd handes mi lorde Ali-Vox receyved the bryght starre staf, counterparte of the ecge brande of seuen. Thise relikes he highte tourche and keie for to reveal and ope the hidden yates of ego.This queste is to ben ourne nexte grande aventure. We mote retournen to France, whereform we moun levie an host of war-sonnes to joinen oure final ryde. Farewell, landes of Or-Ad and Ur-Zen! Farewell wayste-londes of the west! Yowre ihudden layre of the Fenix, the finall sea, ben loste to us withouten the blod-mearke of Bryghtmon.
Anafter we sojourn in Parys so we schal ywenden to mine owne fayre contree, Engle-Lond, for tofinden the mountayne managery of Yark and receyve the mearke, syber syfer, blessyng of Precoursour knowlych. So anoynted, we pledge oureselven to priketh onwarde ful sore thorough the wyde worlde until we maie come ayen to thise highe woldes of Ur-Zen, lands fordidden by Precoursour maledictionnes. Ther to seken and finden the welle of Titanes and the verray nest of the Fyrebird.
Moon Vault
Mone Vaute
Ic kan telle yowe ful littel abouten the Vaute of the Mone, yhiddun wythinne the mere of the Ryfte Delta. Hit semes me to ben a Precoursour buildyng, clad in athamaunt and constructyd withynne the erth in maner of a fallut shelter or bunkere. The bunkere is compassed by the ruinne of othere buildyngs, the leaving of a derne eardgeard, holdfast Precoursour ywerkan. The donet of Ur-Zen availed noght and we coud gayne no waie withynne.Pyramid of the Sun
Piramis of the Sunne
Amyddes the landes of the peple of two sunnes ther ben a piramis of ston ful sturdy for the nones. Therupon the preystes set an auter to the Apollonianne ymage in forme of Mazta and to his shadewe also, Arimen the derke. Bihynde this auter, they shaped a table of ston emprynted wyth a scen of the sunne goddes ful fixte in mortalle battail. Thro the eyen of Mazta, follwyng his radyence, we glente upone the Tempel of Blake Sunne and also did loke upone the verray space of the Sunne Kyng's owne halle.Hall of the Sun King
Halle of the Sunne Kyng
Here we sene the schyre gief-sete of Mazta and the Yate of the Sunne. Anvnder the marbi-ston we espied wealstall athamauntes. A marke ston emprynted wyth wordes of Ur-Zen speche discryved the pitous tale of woe that befallen his fourmer maysters. Wythinne the enscryved texte, we rede crypticks derne. Follwyng the lyght of the sunnes eyen we sawghe the derne hollowe and acheuyd ourne weie into the mountayne. We lerned the moutaynes highe purpose for to ben a thermale statione for generacioun of powre elektricks. Here Jost Desaad, Ferkad and worthie exstrijder for the nones, ylafte his Precoursour lyghte gonne in a chargyng statione for to renue its powre.Shrine of Stars
Celle of Starres
Nestled in the rote of Ryfte Mountayne cheyne, in the Vale of Nyght, ther is a shryne dedicayted by the chyldrenne of the sunne. Here we discuren the feeyld of starres inwhich we fynde humour astrale, glasse of starres, through which avisibil weyes moun be sene. We gayned weye to the star chambre after arrangyng the star gayte and shewying the propre ordre of partes.Here too we rede in tables of lyght, wele ywrought by Precoursour crafte, sum fables of Apollo, old godde of sunne, and his ayghteenet and finale star chayre. Before Skyfire yfelle, hit was ihudden in the derk cavernes of Waxahachy, a place the Precoursour tribe of Texas highte "Essessee" or "Desertron."
The Mithraeum of Eloy
The Mithraeum of Eloy
Whan Mayster Ali-Vox retourned fra the Eloy Wayste he was upon dethes door, so brittened he was in his hert-box, wrackled withe hunger and nere steorfan withe hete in his braynes. Gryypped by ague febre, he spake of mevyng sandes and a raydeo sygnal transmytter. The whiche sygnalles did drawe manie stele ensectes couthe in Ur-Zen londes as "stele bugges."At Mithraeum, Ali-Vox did mete the man of nyghte and lerne of the Bryghtmon Blood-Mearke. Only one who bearen the gene-keie of Projecte Restowr may ope the golden yate of the Fenix and entre the Titan welle, wher the fowel of fyre dwels in flayme for evere more.