Thunderbird Myth in In the Shadow of Princes | World Anvil


Powerful being sent by the gods to protect humans from evil

During Long-Winter, the People suffered greatly. The fire-scars of the Great War left the Homelands fallow. Behind Poison-Cloud the Great Spirit of the Sun wept bitter tears. Through blackened skies fell killing rains that poisoned the Land and sickened the People. The Worm had crept into the fruit; the People felt the rot.
Lamenting the People's misery, the Great Spirit, Weeping Exile, sent his servant, Bird of Thunder, to conquer the Worm and save the People. Thunderbird, Lord of Lightning and Rains, set the Poison-Cloud on fire with his thunderbolt. Through Sky-Fire and tempest, Thunderbird's storm sent healing waters to cleanse the Homelands and bring comfort to the People.
Annals of Terragar

This Terragar myth, also told with variations in other Zoner cultures, describes how the Skybreak was instigated by the arrival of a Thunderbird, a divine messenger who unleashed a legendary storm that healed the land and saved the people from destruction.


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